SA re defined

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Revision as of 02:13, 19 November 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Systems Analysts


Dev Team expressed concerns to me about what SAs put into wiki spec. To address them we agreed to the following.

  • Main role of SA
It is in most cases to:
  • receive and review Business Requirements from BA,
  • point out on missing elements
  • help them finalize Business Requirements
  • No ZUL
No zul code should be created by SA. Reasons: a) time consuming; b) UIs should be created by developers
  • No mock-up
Same reasons as above
  • SA Notes
Section "Detailed Design will be replaced" with "SA Notes"
  • Related specs must be linked
  • Keep it simple
  • First things first
Explain most important things first... then stop. If you have more time say more.
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