Average times

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Revision as of 19:49, 16 November 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Parent mantis



Create reports for analysis of various average times:

  • Planning (by Planner)
    • Created to approved
    • Created to hold
  • Routing (by Jaguar)
    • approved to routed
  • Scheduling (by Carrier)
    • routed to pick up
  • In transit (by Carrier)
    • pick up to delivery


  • On hold
    • Average time on hold

Detailed Design

Avg Times on Dashboard

File:Avg Times on Dashboard.JPG

Plot of an Avg Times change for a current week

File:Plot of an Avg Times change for a current week.JPG

Bar chart of Avg planning time per planner

File:Avg planning time per planner.JPG
