Visibility Redesign

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This is a project.

Parent Mantis

0002553: [*11 Alex] (SA and BA) Visibility groups


System re-design required in the area of Record Visibility to make it more flexible and convenient to use.

CT Record Visibility (definition). It is a set of criteria that allow or prohibit any given CT2 user to see (and potentially manage) any given CT2 shipment record.

Flexibility requirement. At the moment certain non trivial cases are hard or impossible to configure. This should be resolved.

Convenience requirement. Management of visibility should be easy and fast.


Example 1.

Client Company A has users that may want to see more than only "their" company, however, they only need to see a "portion" of the other company based on some criteria (for example "only" ocean shipments from Europe).

Example 2.

Maticplast Users (possible choices):

  • Client Maticplast
as defined by E0
  • From Maticplast "to COTY"
shipper (maticplast) AND consignee (COTY)
  • from Maticplast to "EA"
shipper (maticplast) AND consignee (Elizabeth Arden, CEI, Kolmar, Evergreen etc)
  • From "Maticplast" (to "client")
shipper (maticplast) AND E0 Client "Elizabeth Arden"
  • From "Maticplast" (to all)
shipper (maticplast)

Note: (maticplast) could be multiple addresses (one in Rome, one in Milan, one in Naples)

Design Ideas

See Detailed Design.

Detailed Technical Design and Architecture


Visibility Management for the following types of users is out of scope of this project:

  • Jaguar users
  • Non-Jaguar users with Shipper and Planner roles

Main Idea

Option 1 Defining Visibility through Visibility Groups

  • create visibility group (VG) with unique ID, Name and criteria
  • map one or more users to one or more selected VGs

VG criteria should include multiple filters to add flexibility

VG criteria could be modified later which will affect all linked users.

Option 2 Defining Visibility through one time filter settings

See Figure

Option 3 Defining Visibility through user profile

See Figure

Should we allow it?

Data Migration

After new model is deployed potentially we will need to fix existing user and shipment records.

Remaining Questions

Client Company E0 entity should be clearly defined in a business sense. At the moment it seems to be used for several unrelated reasons: company that initiates order (CT), company that we bill for the order, company that has a visibility to the CT.

Shipper and Consignee should be also clearly defined.

How to deal with complexity of Shipper company defined multiple times in Company-City pairs?


Figure 1 User List

File:User list.JPG

Figure 2 Define visibility panel

File:Vg pop up.JPG

Figure 3 VG Management

File:VG management.JPG

Figure 4 User profile

File:User prof.JPG


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