Non Shipment billing component

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Parent mantis

0002500: (Non Shipment Billing) ................... <parent >

Business Requirements and Design Ideas


Non-shipment billing - is to invoice a customer not related to a specific CT record or shipment.

For example invoicing for services provided.

Example 1

In case of Arden Trucking project Jaguarfreight will invoice the customer monthly usage fee. It is equal to number of CTs created multiply by rate.

Example 2


Invoice sequence

These invoices should have their own sequence starting with NY100

Item codes and Rates Table

These invoices should have there own charge codes, which should be referred to as Item codes.

They should be a three digit codes (instead of the four digit code currently being used for invoicing).

They will need their own item code table (similar to the current Charge Code Table TOC).

Quantity drop down should include the following charged based value selections. These selections should show on the invoice. Flat fee or 1 x fee Unit Usage CT record Per month Per person

Fields (columns):

  • item code number (ic#)
  • description

Invoice form


    • Bill to
    • Bill to address (from existing address book)
    • Invoice comments
    • Invoice date
    • Invoice number
    • Item Code Number
    • Description
    • Quantity (or charged based value) (with a drop down as described below)(this should show on the invoice
    • Rate (this should show on the invoice)
    • Currency
    • Amount
    • Terms

Invoice pdf

    • We may need to enter Credits, Cost's, and additional invoices against/with these invoices.

Technical Requirements and Design



Personal tools