File Upload for Virtual Group

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[edit] General

[edit] Business Requirements

See New Arden Trucking Project NATP (main)#File Upload

[edit] Solution

If user select "File Upload" option on Virtual_Groups_for_NATP#General_Wizard_Step_3 then the following template will be displayed.

File:Virtual trucking groups wizard step 3.JPG

  • "Summary" field is obligatory for filling. If this field is blank then system shows warning message:

File:Upload files into virtual group summary.JPG

  • Select and upload file to ALL CT's in the group

File:Upload files into virtual group.JPG

  • On "Upload" file will be uploaded into EVERY CT in this group. Then system shows pop up window:

File:Upload files into virtual group success.JPG

  • See also this functionality for CT: File_Upload_(Developer_Guide).
  • Please note that here we only need upload functionality. No need to display or delete or download functionality.
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