Air Arr Note very old

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Revision as of 21:16, 3 August 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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pg1 Right now even if TOC is empty it would print 2 pages. ?? make sense??

pg2 Only TOC section in of variable size. It can make the size of this doc > 2 pages

Sec A (header for page one)

  • Jaguar Logo
    • pull from: Admin.Offices; it is office specific based on user login
    • editable: no
  • Jaguar Address
    • pull from: Admin.Offices; it is office specific based on user login
    • editable: no
  • DATE:
    • pull from: current date on user's PC
    • editable: no
  • Page X of Y:
    • def: X - current page num; Y - total num of pages
  • Doc Title

Sec B (shipment fields)

Arr Notice Page 1
Arr Notice Page 2

  • Field Label // Pull from/Logic // group case logic
  • CT # // CT# CT field // from "curr" CT
  • REFERENCE NO. // GT.Import ref#: // from "curr" CT
  • SHIPPER // GT.Shipper
  • CONSIGNEE // GT.Consignee
  • NOTIFY // GT.Notify
  • BROKER // IT.CustomsBroker
  • MasterAWBL // ET.Master Airway bill
  • PREPARED BY // fist, last names and e-mail for login operator

|- | Bank release || blank by default || |- | Flight Number || ET.Flight One #: || |- | || || |- | || || |- | || || |- | || ||


Sec C

Sec D

Sec E


  • Major Test cases
    • CT indiv VS CT group
    • CT haz only VS non-haz only VS mix
    • TOC: empty VS short VS long VS with VAT
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