Use Cases for EDI to TMS
From UG
Contents |
Business story
This needs to reflect typical and some exceptional workflows
- 3 CTs get approved
- CT2 sends data to TMS
- Jag oper discovers new approved CTs (how?)
- a) Jag oper manually processes CT
- updates
- docs
- etc
- b) Jag oper uses optimization to handle CT
- updates
- docs
- etc
Use Cases
Use case 1. Shipper Creates CT via Web Portal
Normal Flow of Events
1) Shipper logs into the web portal to enter all new products that are ready to ship and Upon clicking save, they create 1 CT per line item.
2) Planner logs into the web portal to view all new records created by shipper and sets the approval status to "Approved".
NOTE: This is done continuously throughout the day.
3) Jaguar operator logs into CT2 internal application to find these "Approved" CT records on their TDS dashboard.
4) Jaguar operator logs into the TMS system to find same "Approved" CT records from internal app and reviews the information so they can begin to assign truckers.
5) Through TMS, Jag operator assigns the pickup trucker and sets the estimated pickup date.
6) TMS then transits this information to the pickup trucker and sends back a response to Jag operator.