Twk Aug PP
From UG
Contents |
Project specs
see individual tasks mantis
Project Mantis and projID
- mantis:
- projID = Bundle 2
Project communication
Project broadcasts and forum
- through email
Project update meetings
- who must attend:TBD
- TBD days/time
- Skype chat
Project Team and responsibilities
PM: Alex
MO: various
BA: Denise
SA: Tira
DM: Kostya
D1: Kostya
D2: Sasha
D3: Andriy
QA: Roma
UAT: tbd
DE: Andrei
Proj Tasks Breakdown and Milestones
2212 Acc (Sales&Intern) Add charge code# next to Description on invoice/cr note pdf 2222 Acc (Acc Report: P and L) Create one time xls rep: 2010 monthly P/L with CT and GRP separated; with MOT and Office columns 2213 Acc (Acc Report: P and L) Create one time xls report: purchase and loss on CT per charge code group 2210 OpsRep (Delivery Trailer Report)(NATP) Date columns on xls should be populated in a format that is sortable by date 2120 OpsRep (Where Is) bug: "clear" feature of "Consignees" filter doesn't work
One milestone only with all tasks completed.