Scheduled Reports

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Revision as of 20:55, 1 August 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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This is a place in the system where reports can be scheduled (we assume the only place)

gen1] Access will be restricted (add this as item to user access table)

gen2a] It presents the following main fields

   * Rep Class – parent report (InTransit, MainWizard, etc)
   * Client (just a tag, not report filter)
   * Rep Instance Name
   * Date created / modified
   * Last Modified by

gen2b] optional/additional (some of it could be columns, some – tooltips): Discuss: do we need this now?

   * Schedule params
   * Recipients, cc, bcc

gen3] sorted by Rep Class then by Rep Instance then by Client

gen4] “client” here is not a report filter, it is a tag indicating for what client company this report is to be scheduled for (associated with)

gen5] it is possible to “delete” or “edit” or “add” new scheduled report

gen6] profile example: ...

Gen7] Discuss: UI above could be different. What is important is that we have “General Tab” as above with schedule, etc.

Plus we have access – link or tabs to edit specific report parameters.


1) time set on reports must be GMT London time (display word "GMT") 3) CC, BCC fields are missing 4) REplace label "Client Company:" with "Report For Company:" . This will make it clear that it is not a filter.

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