PM process

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Revision as of 19:18, 8 July 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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  • project gets assigned to PM by Chief PM
  • meet with Chief PM
  • create initial version of Proj Plan
  • research subject matter


  • assign BA/SA
  • organize project kick off meeting (present plan, explain responsibilities, etc)
  • create proj plan that covers BA/SA phase (with milestones and dates)
  • Milestone: Review design with MO


  • once initial BA work completed assign Dev Manager
  • have a meeting with Development Manger
  • create Work breakdown structure (with Development Manger)
  • create preliminary proj plan for Dev/QA phase (with Development Manger)
  • create team / resource allocation (with Development Manger)
  • organize project kick off meeting (present plan, explain responsibilities, etc)


  • organise project post mortem - analysis of bad and good

Ongoing Activities

  • get regular project status updates from team (2 times a week)
  • update Chief PM (once a week)
  • resolve conflicts, delays, risks, issues, etc
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