Cybertrax 2.1 Client (data dictionary)

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CT fields

PO Issued by


Pick up Location

a.k.a. CT#Export_Pick_Up

  • Meaning: This is the location of where the goods are actually located and shipping from.
  • Standard Long Label: Export Pick Up
  • Standard Short Label: Exp Pick Up
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: This field contains Company-City-Note
  • Min/max: [TBD]
  • Possible Values: [TBD]
  • Widget: searchbox
  • Default value:
    • Internal: blank
    • Shipper: "Copy from Shipper:" is checked (Yes) and "Pick up Location" is filled from "Shipper"
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: all
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper unless Cybertrax_2.1_Client_(requirements)#What_CTs_Shipper_may_edit_RULE is true
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Ship to Location

a.k.a. CT#Delivery To

  • Meaning: This is the location of where the goods are shipping to.
  • Standard Long Label: Delivery To
  • Standard Short Label: Delivery To
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: This field contains Company-City-Note
  • Min/max: [TBD]
  • Possible Values: [TBD]
  • Widget: searchbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y (NOTE: Ship To location from portal should map to Delivery To(T5) on Internal App as well as and Consignee (T2) field on the Internal App)
  • User Read Access: all
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper unless Cybertrax_2.1_Client_(requirements)#What_CTs_Shipper_may_edit_RULE is true
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Pick up Instructions

a.k.a. CT#Pick Up Comments

Commodity Description

a.k.a. CT#Commodity Description

Cargo Available

a.k.a. CT#Cargo Available

Fields that Shipper can not edit


  • Meaning: This is the company's name & address of who is placing the shipping request. This company name and address can also be the pick up location.
  • Default value: The operator’s company name & address as this based upon the users login name. Pre-filled. This is an existing CT2 field, see CT#Shipper
  • Required field? Y
  • Format/Datatype: CT_profile#ComboBox, see CT#Shipper

Pick Up Trucker

Delivery Trucker

Estimated Pick up date

  • Meaning: This is an estimated date of when the pick up trucker is going to pick up the product from the shipper or pick up location. This is an existing CT2 field, see CT#Estimated Pick Up
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? N
  • Format/Datatype: Datebox, see CT#Estimated Pick Up

Actual Pick up date

Estimated Delivery date.

Actual Delivery date

  • Meaning: This is actual date of when the delivery trucker delivered the product to the location. This is an existing CT2 field, see #Actual_Delivery_Date
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? N
  • Format/Datatype: Datebox, see #Actual_Delivery_Date

Commodity fields


a.k.a. Commodity#PO

  • Meaning: This is the purchase order number for the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: PO #
  • Standard Short Label: PO #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 30 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, shipper, planner, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


a.k.a. Commodity#SKU

  • Meaning: This is the sku number of the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Sku #
  • Standard Short Label: Sku #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 30 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All


a.k.a. Commodity#Qty

  • Meaning: These are the actual number of pieces for the product shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Quantity
  • Standard Short Label: Qty #
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Positive Integer
  • Min/max: from 0 to 9999999999 digits
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: 0
  • Required field?
    • Internal: N
    • Shipper: value must be > 0
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Item Description

a.k.a. Commodity#Description

  • Meaning: This is the description of the PO and SKU that is shipping.
  • Standard Long Label: Commodity Line 1
  • Standard Short Label: Com Ln1
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Alphanumeric
  • Min/max: from 0 to 60 chars
  • Possible Values: TBD
  • Widget: Textbox
  • Default value: blank
  • Required field?
    • internal: N
    • shipper: Y
  • User Read Access: client, planner, shipper, internal
  • User Write Access: internal, shipper
  • Mode Of Transport: All

Number of Plts

a.k.a. Commodity#Plts

Pkgs on Plts

a.k.a. Commodity#Pkgs On Plts

Loose Pkgs

a.k.a. Commodity#Loose Pkgs


a.k.a. Commodity#Gross Lb

Total Value
  • Meaning: This is the total value of the unit piece price multiplied by the quantity of each PO/SKU that is shipping.
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? Y
  • Format/Datatype: Datatypes#ascii

a.k.a. CT#Hazardous Yes No

  • Meaning: This is to advise if the product shipping is hazardous or not.
  • Location: Gen Tab
  • Mode Of Transport: All but Truck modes
  • Standard Long Label: Hazardous Yes No
  • Standard Short Label: Haz Y N
  • Other Labels in use:
  • Format/type: Radio option [Yes][No]
  • Min/max: n/a
  • Possible Values: Yes, No
  • Widget: radiogroup
  • Default value: No
  • Required field? N
  • User Read Access: client
  • User Write Access: internal


  • Meaning: This is to advise if the pallets for the product shipping are stackable or not. This is a new CT2 field.
  • Default value: Yes
  • Required field? Y
  • Format/Datatype: Listbox option [Yes][No]

Piece price

  • Meaning: This is the unit price of each piece piece shipping for a PO/SKU. This is a new CT2 field.
  • Default value: Blank
  • Required field? Y
  • Format/Datatype: Currency - USD
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