Client Login Panel

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Revision as of 23:58, 28 July 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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This is subcomponent of Client App




ss1) This is a typical "login panel" with "Save my password" and "Forgot Password?" feature

ss2) For the "first/limited clients release" this would be a separate page. After CT1 is discontinued this would become just a panel on homepage

ss3) This Login Page/Panel consists of:

  • Username field
  • Password field
  • Save my password check box
  • Forgot Password? link
  • button "Login"--Andrei 11:01, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

Use cases

uc1) try to log in using correct uname/pwd

  1. goto Internal App and create non-jag account, set active=true
  2. goto Client App
  3. enter uname, pwd, click on "Login"
  4. system should show Client App Home Page

us2) try to log in using incorrect uname/pwd

  1. enter invalid uname/pwd, click on "Login"
  2. system must print "User name or password is incorrect, please try again"

uc3) try to log in using inactive uname

  1. goto Internal App and set active=false
  2. goto Client App
  3. enter uname, pwd, click on "Login"
  4. system must print "User name or password is incorrect, please try again"

uc4) Save my password feature

  1. enter uname/pwd, check checkbox
  2. login, logout
  3. enter uname
  4. system pre-fills pwd

uc5) Forgoten Password feature

  1. click on this link
  2. system displays prompt for "Username"+ "OK" button
  3. enter username(email)
  4. system displays "Your password has been emailed to you"+"Try Login button"


qa1) test uc1...uc5

qa2) test on all supported platforms

Look And Feel



rfc1) CT1 makes pwd expire every 90 days and forces user to change pwd. But I do not think we need this feature. --Alex 03:23, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

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