Cybertrax 2.1 Client (design)

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This article describes a set of use cases for Cybertrax ver 2.1 Client application a.k.a. Shipper Interface.

Business Story One

Company Jackel is a supplier for a company CEI Holmdel. Accordingly to the new business process operator Mary Doe at Jackel is responsible for creating new shipments. All new shipments with PO issued by Arden Stamford have to go through authorization process by planner John at Arden in Stamford. If authorized then they are ready to enter into transportation phase and be handled by Jaguar operator Susan. It is also possible that they get rejected or put on hold. In addition supervisor Mike at Arden would like to monitor/run reports on all shipments created by Jackel.

On July 1, Mary has the following 2 products ready to ship from Gannet Warehouse in Edison, NJ, going to CEI in Holmdel, NJ. First Mary has PO # H018386, Sku 152813, packaged as 1 pallet, with 8 cartons, that contain 49,152 pcs inside, and weighs 108 pounds. Second, Mary has PO # HEA0043, Sku 135096, packaged as 4 pallet, with 50 cartons, that contain 40,000 pcs inside, and weighs 560 pounds.


In order to implement described business process in Cybertrax 2.1 we need to create users with appropriate roles:

  • Cybertrax 2.1 user with enabled “Shipper (a.k.a. Supplier) /Create Shipments Role”
  • Cybertrax 2.1 user with enabled “Authorization/Planner Role”
  • Cybertrax 2.1 user with enabled “Jaguar Operator Role”
  • Cybertrax 2.1 user with enabled “Viewer (a.k.a. Client) Role”

Please note that current version Cybertrax 2.0 is based on another business process. Shipments are created by users with Jaguar Role (jaguar employees) only. At the same time read-only monitoring/reporting on shipments is supported (Client User role). Authorization is not part of this process.

Step by step detailed instructions for cases below are defined in Appendix B.

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