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BA - Business Analyst


Communication and decision making process

Typical chains

  • 1) BA > Developer
  • 2) BA > SA > Developer
  • 3) BA > SA > QA > Developer
  • 4)
    • BA > SA > QA (review, proof read)
    • BA > SA > Developer

Several major challenges

  • a) long chain from BA to Dev:
    • question/task get stuck in every "node" increasing total time to develop
    • message get's altered because of chain ("isporchennyi telefon")
  • b) decision making:
    • typical problem is to delegate decision up the chain instead of making them yourself
  • c) questions that could be answered at a higher node are passed to the lower node
    • this hapens when person is lazy to analyse the problem and instead of thinking harder or investing time forwards it to someone else
  • d) level of details is too high or too low

See also


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