Ocean Cargo Manifest (M)

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Revision as of 21:49, 5 June 2010 by Andrei (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Mantis


[edit] Business Needs and Requirements

[edit] Technical Specification

[edit] Summary

[edit] Location

Master profile > Doc center Tab

[edit] Template

As usual document can be pre-viewed and edited through pdf template.

See Example on #Figure 1. Cargo Manifest Ocean Template

See field descriptions, mappings, etc below.

[edit] Top Section

  • Shipper:
copy of Master field Master#Master Shipper
  • Booking No.:
copy of Master field Master#Booking Num
  • Vessel Name:
copy of Master field Master#Vessel Name
  • Origin Point:
copy of Master field Master#Port Of Loading
  • Consignee:
copy of Master field Master#Master Consignee
  • Destination Point:
copy of Master field Master#Port Of Discharge
  • Jaguar Reference No.:
TBD, now is pre-fill to blank
  • Master Bill of Lading:
copy of Master field Master#Master Bill Of Lading

[edit] Containers Table Section

For each container from Containers Table on Master Details Tab shows information in separate Container Table.

File:Cargo Manifest Ocean Template Container Table.GIF

[edit] Container No.

Current container number labeled as "Container No.:".

Each line of Container Table related to current container contains information about each CT from List of CT's contained in this Master which assigned to current container.

[edit] Container Table Columns
  • CT No./HBL - this column hasn't text header and contents 2 textboxes in one cell:
    • read-only CT No: current CT Number.
    • editable HBL: copy of CT field HBL for current CT.
  • Pieces - calculated Total Handling Units for those commodities from current CT, which are assigned to current container.
  • Weight - calculated Total Gross Weight for those commodities from current CT, which are assigned to current container.
  • Shipper / Consignee - 2 textboxes in one cell:
    • copy of CT field Shipper for current CT.
    • copy of CT field Consignee for current CT.
  • Commodity - copy of CT field Commodity Description for current CT.
[edit] Container Table Totals
  • Calculated for Pieces and Weight columns.
  • Labeled as "Total Pieces" and "Total Weight".
  • Pieces can be shows as HU/AMS with Pieces measure unit.

[edit] Bottom Section

  • generate report button

[edit] Pdf

[edit] Header

  • See section 1 on Figure 2.
Jaguar Logo. Office Logo of Jaguar office associated with login User.
Jaguar Address. Address of Jaguar office associated with login User.
Doc Title. centered "OCEAN CARGO MANIFEST" line.

[edit] Top Section

  • See section 2 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Top Section.

[edit] Containers Table Section

  • See section 3 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Containers Table Section.

[edit] Footer

  • See section 4 on Figure 2.
Centered gray sentence: "WWW.JAGUARFREIGHT.COM".

[edit] Multipage case

[edit] Figures

[edit] Figure 1. Cargo Manifest Ocean Template

File:Cargo Manifest Ocean Template.GIF

[edit] Figure 2. Cargo Manifest Ocean Pdf

File:Cargo Manifest Ocean Pdf.GIF

[edit] History


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