Delivery Trailer Report (BR)

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CBN: Core Business Need

This wiki section is managed by: Module Owner

This report is for Elizabeth Arden's use. It is to see how JFS maximizes or utilizes the amount of space inside of a trailer load based upon the total number of cubic meters for all of the shipments.

BR: Business Requirements and Design Ideas

This wiki section is managed by: Business Analyst

1) What MOT should be supported?

  • For Truck-Domestic only.

2) What are Hard coded conditions?

3) What Filters are required?

4) Output Requirements

  • Spreadsheet only.

a) Types of output (xls, html, pdf, etc)

b) Columns(BR)

  • First 2 columns always show Delivery Trailer#XXXX and CT#YYYY.
  • Other columns not selected by default. See below list.
CT#	(text, not hyperlink)
date created	
date available	
pick up date	
delivery date
Cargo Due
Shipper (Shipper company name)	
-------------- (Pick up location information)
Pick up location company	
Tel #	
PO #	
Lose Ctns	
Gross Wt (LB) with LB Label
Consignee (Consignee company name)	
------------ (delivery location information)
Delivery to location company name	
Telephone #	
------------ Trucker info 
Trucker Name Pick Up Trucker
Trucker Name Delivery Trucker

c) One Tabs or many tabs? If more than one then what is the logic?

  • One tab

d) Define Sort Order

  • Sort by delivery trailer #; earliest delivery date on the top.

e) Schedule only? Generate only? Or both?

  • Need both

5) What is a typical use case?

Report will be run once a week on Monday's. Also will be run on the first day of every new month.

Select MOT=Truck-Dom, Client=EA, for the prior week shipments Actual Delivery from Monday to Friday current week. for the entire previous months shipments.

6) Additional info

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