Shipper Interface

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Revision as of 19:22, 1 June 2010 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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This is a new module therefore at this moment it is not clear what components are required or affected. As a result all requirements are documented in this "main" article for now.

CBN: Core Business Need

This wiki section is managed by: Module Owner

Core business need is to "outsource" entering of new CTs to Vendors (Shippers). This supposed to meet these goals:

  • 1) significantly cut man hours at Jaguar
  • 2) streamline / minimize communications

Later (in 1-3 months) another big problem should be solved with a help of Shipper Interface: complicated approval process.

BR: Business Requirements and Design Ideas

This wiki section is managed by: Business Analyst

Required core functionality:

  • web based system to accommodate functionality below:
  • should be password protected

BR: Lock for edit condition

Lock the record once a pick up trucker or estimated date is assigned

BR: password protected web based access

  • M.O. prefers to "expand" Client App
  • Login Screen has TWO options:
    • 1) To Create a CT
    • 2) To log into client app homepage
    • We suggest to use existing Non-Jag profile to create "Shipper" users. In this case we need:
    • add User type radio: "Client" (existing non jags), "Shipper" (shipper users)
    • Set "E0. Client Company" = E.A. USA Domestic
      • this will also define E0 field
    • Part C. Link to Address Book = <this is a link to Shipper's company and user location>
      • must be T2 only!

BR: Add CT

This could be on one tab or multiple tabs The CTs created by shippers should be listed on a separate tab inside of the clients interface (IE next to the archive tab)

BR: Notifications

  • 1st Notification: When an address is manually changed a notification should be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address (
  • 2nd Notification: After a shipper creates and saves a new CT record, a notification should be sent to their e-mail address as a receipt of what they just inputted into the system. This notification should include:
    • CT #
    • Customer Ref #
    • Export Pick Up
    • Consignee
    • Time CT Created
    • Created on date
    • Pick-up Comments
    • Commodity description
    • Cargo Available
    • Cargo Due
    • Cont Tab fields
      • PO #
      • Item #
      • Quantity,

BR: Gen Tab fields

System should generate CT# and let shipper user enter some CT2 fields (some fields will be set by the system):

  • E0. Client Company:
    • system sets it automatically to "Part B. Visibility, Create CT for Client Company in Non Jag profile"
      • [IE - E.A. USA Domestic]
      • (not visible = not on the screen )
  • E1
    • system sets it automatically to client company for E0 client [IE - Elizabeth Arden]
    • (not visible)
      • If E0 client company is equal to E.A. USA Domestic then E1 client visibility is equal to Elizabeth Arden
  • C. Customer Ref #:
  • 2. Shipper (T1):
    • pre-filled based on "Part C. Link to Address Book in Non Jag profile"
    • editable once you clear the combo box otherwise read only
    • A notification must be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address ( that the address was changed
  • 5. Export Pick-up (T4):
    • required
    • provide list from Address book
    • same as on internal but only list USA/Canada addresses
    • editable once you clear the combo box otherwise read only
    • A notification must be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address ( that the address was changed
  • 3. Consignee (T2):
    • required
    • same as on internal but only list USA/Canada addresses
    • editable once you clear the combo box otherwise read only
    • Internally system should copy to Delivery To (T5) as usual
    • A notification must be sent to the EA DOM e-mail address ( that the address was changed
  • Created by
    • read only
  • "Time CT Created"
    • new CT2 field !
    • read only
  • Created on date
    • read only
  • 7. Pick-up Comments:
  • 15. Commodity description:
    • required
  • Cargo Available:
  • Cargo Due:

BR: Cont Tab fields

Everything we have on internal but: copy, move functionality

BR: Query Tab fields

Allow Client functionality.

This feature is lower priority.

BR: Edit CT

Ability to open record and edit fields above unless #BR: Lock for edit condition is true.

After record is locked show read-only version.

BR: Delete CT

Allow unless #BR: Lock for edit condition is true

BR: View CTs

If implementation is Client App based - use existing CT list. Else any basic CT list is fine.

SD: Systems Design and Prototype

This wiki section is managed by: Systems Analyst

  • Log on to client interface as a shipper
  • Create CT button
  • See Create CT functionality
  • Go to Homepage button
    • This navigates to client homepage
    • Shipper
  • Create CT functionality
  • Edit CT functionality
  • This shipment can be edited from Client shipment list on Created CT tab
  • Lock shipment for "Edit" condition, see #SD: Lock for edit condition
  • Delete CT functionality
  • View CT functionality
  • Communication Center functionality

SD: Lock for edit condition

  • IF Ct#Export_Pick_Up_Trucker OR Ct#Estimated_Export_Pick_Up_Date is NOT EMPTY THEN shipment record is READ ONLY

SD: password protected web based access

SD: Add CT

  • Create CT page
  • default to E0.Client company from Non-Jaguar user> Create CT for E0.Client Company if there is only one client company
    • For ex1, if shipper can create CT for ONLY ONE E0.Client Company, then create CT page, it will be default to E0.Client Company


  • default to blank if there is many different E0.Client Companies that shipper can create for
    • For ex2, if shipper can create CT for many different E0.Client Companies, then create CT page, it will be default to blank with the list of drop down E0.Client Companies that is set on Non-Jaguar Users> Create CT for E0.Client Companies
  • Each CT consists of 3 tabs"
  • General Tab
  • Cont Tab
  • Query Tab

General Tab E0. Client Company:

  • Label:
  • Widget:
  • Mapping:

  • Default: Created CT tab


  • Field M
    • map to CT#xyz ....
    • validation: ....
    • link to prototype: ....

SD: Feature Z




Figure 1. Shipper logs In


Figure 2. Shipper creates CT


Figure 3. Create Shipper Account from Non-Jaguar User




BA 2078

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