Approval Report

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Revision as of 18:35, 27 May 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] General Info

[edit] BR: Business Requirements

See New_Arden_Trucking_Project_NATP_(main)#Reports

[edit] BR: Output

  • need “DATE CREATED” as a possible output

[edit] Technical Specification

[edit] Hard Coded Conditions

All CTs with CT#Pending Approval = Yes

[edit] User Defined Conditions (Filters)

[edit] Output

[edit] History

[edit] m2075

[edit] BA 2075

[edit] SA 2075

  • Add an additional output: Create on Date
  • Spec is updated: Y
  • See #Output for detail
  • final version 10695
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