Reports Output

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Revision as of 19:17, 19 May 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business Need (MO)

Business Requirements (BA)

Make ALL CT fields available for output

  • Rule for labeling on:
    • Output Tab - name same as on CT Profile (but remove "extra info". For example: for "3. Consignee (T2):" show "Consignee" )
    • Spreadsheet - show same label as above onto Output Tab
  • How to group or order them on Output Tab:
    • please suggest alternative designs so we choose
  • Internal vs Client:
    • Currently should only be available for internal

Design (SA)

Lines Per CT Option (LIPCO)

LIPCO multi line

In this case system must show all commodity lines for one CT. See example below.

Non Commodity table field values would have to be repeated (including CT#)


LIPCO one line

In this case on output system must show only one line for one CT. Commodity information must be summarized. For example see CT# 199001 below.

If CT has more than one line in Commodity Table then:

  • for Commodity Table numerical columns (Plts, Weight, etc) show total number
  • for Commodity Table character column (SKU, PO, etc) show any one value and add "++" at the end indicating that there are more

File:In Tansit Spreadsheet JAN 2010.JPG

Option for CT hyper link

Biz Need:

  • Option to display or not display CT # on output excel without hyperlink.

Suggested Design:

  • Add checkbox on Output Tab provide this option.
CT Num with hyperlink
  • mapping: CT#CT Num
  • this number is a hyperlink to Client App OR Internal App (View or Edit)
CT Num without hyperlink

Output Fields

Default labels defined in BO wikis (see Reports section under particular field)

Created On Date
Cargo Available
Cargo Due

Ship from State

  • label on xls: Ship from State
  • mapping: State from CT#Pick Up
Ship from Zip
  • label on xls: Ship from Zip
  • mapping: Zip from CT#Pick Up
Ship to State
Ship to Zip
Gross KG
Gross LB






See Reports_Output#Business_Requirements_.28BA.29

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