MBL (User Guide)

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As usual document can be pre-viewed and edited through pdf template.

See Example on #Figure 1. MBL Template

See field descriptions, mappings, etc below.

Top Section

  • Shipper:
copy of Master field Master#Master Shipper
  • Booking No:
copy of Master field Master#Booking Num
  • F/Agent Name and ref:
pre-fill to login Office name (see Office)
  • Bill of Lading:
pre-fill to blank
  • Export Ref:
copy of Master field Master#Master Shipper ref
  • Consignee:
copy of Master field Master#Master Consignee
  • Notify Party:
copy of Master field Master#Master Notify
  • Origin Point And Country:
pre-fill to blank
  • Pre Carriage By:
copy of Master field Master#Master Origin Trucker
  • Place of Receipt:
copy of Master field Master#Origin Terminal
  • Vessel/Voyage:
copy of CT field Master#Vessel Name
copy of CT field Master#Voyage Num
  • Port Of Loading:
copy of Master field Master#Port Of Loading
  • Port Of Discharge:
copy of Master field Master#Port Of Discharge
  • Type of Movement:
copy of Master field Master#Move Type/MBL
  • Place Of Delivery:
pre-fill to blank
  • Freight and Charges Payable Contact for:
copy of Master field Master#Freight Prepaid Collect
  • Service Contact No.:
pre-fill to blank
  • Jaguar Freight Services:
pre-fill to login Office name (see Office)
  • Issued By:
pre-fill to login User name (see Users)
  • Date:
current date on user's PC
  • Remarks:
this field contains numbers of all grouped CT's

Commodity Table Section

See Ocean Docs Commodity Table (feature)

Bottom Section

Other Features

"generate report" button


See Example on #Figure 2. MBL Pdf

Top Section

  • See section 1 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Top Section, except Jaguar Freight Services, Issued By, Date.

Commodity Section

  • See section 2 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Commodity Table Section.

Bottom Section

  • See section 3 on Figure 2.
Reflects Template Top Section fields : Jaguar Freight Services, Issued By, Date.

See Also

More details can be found in MBL (Developer Guide)


Figure 1. MBL Template

File:MBL Template.GIF

Figure 2. MBL Pdf

File:MBL Pdf.GIF

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