Virtual Groups for NATP

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General info

Business Requirements

See New Arden Trucking Project NATP (main)#Virtual Groups

Virtual Group Classifiers

  • Definitions:
    • Virtual Group is a subset of all records. Every CT that belongs to that group should satisfy given criteria.
    • Let's call criteria above Virtual Group Classifiers. These are basically filters that define what is in the group and what is out.

Complete List of Virtual Group Classifiers

  • Client Company (single select) // logic: CT#E0_Client OR CT#E1_Client OR CT#E2_Client OR CT#E3_Client
    • 'Note:It is assumed that for this project *Arden* client will always be selected but it seems that there is no point in hardcoding this.
  • Choice of 3 Trucking MOTs (multiselect) // map to: only 3 trucking sub modes from CT#MOT list
Developer's Note:
If too hard to implement all truck MOTs by May 1 deadline 
then limit choice to Truck Domestic

Virtual Groups Wizards

We are proposing to use Wizard Interface for all use cases related to NATP.

General Wizard

  • Developer's Note: please used any standard wizard UI layout/functionality. (CT2 Wizard standard TBD later).
  • General Wizard will be used to define a Virtual Group - to dfine list of CTs that will constitute particular group.
    • This preliminary step is required for any action related to Virtual Groups.

General Wizard Steps

General Wizard. Step 1.

File:Virtual trucking groups wizard step 1.JPG

List of filters above is from #Virtual Group Classifiers

General Wizard. Step 2.

File:Virtual trucking groups wizard step 2.JPG

Columns for Group List
  • Paging - ideally we need it.
  • Sorting - by CT#
  • columns sortable? ideally - yes

General Wizard Step 3

File:Virtual trucking groups wizard step 3.JPG

  • If user clicks on apply then system will produce pop up with relevant user interface.

Update Fields

File:Update fields Action for VG.JPG

  • On OK system must confirm that action has been taken

List of fields

Other Actions

Depending on the choice of Action user will be directed to specific UI. See list below:


Billed Record

Definition: (If at least one sales invoice exists the record is Billed)

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