Previous Day Collection

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Revision as of 00:36, 29 March 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business needs and Requirements

This report is generated shipment(s) that is confirmed for picked-up date since the last report created.


  • This report is a report that is searched for the shipment(s) since the last created(previous) report that the ACTUAL PICKED UP DATE(S) were set or not empty.
  • Report is a re-occuring report depend upon admin user set for when and time and days to create and send report (since the previous report (meaning, same CT number will only show on 1 report (unless a change is made))
  • Report is based on Client Company (E0.Client)
  • This report can be managed through the saved and Scheduled report for class report dropdown and set the satisfied filters
  • Report show date time stamp and how many records are found (number) and Mode of transportation


  • Client Companies (E0 Client)
  • Shippers:
  • Consignees:
  • Origin Countries:
  • Destination Countries:
  • Origin Regions:
  • Destination Regions:
  • Transport Mode:
  • Client Mode:(GenTab 13. Client Mode)
  • Export Pick Up Trucker (GenTab 8. Export Pick-up Trucker (V3))
  • Delivery Trucker:(V3) (ImpTab b. Delivery Trucker:(V3))


  • Create output tab with list of output headings
  • Some headings should be defaulted on the combo box and the rest of headings are in the dropdown filter output list
  • List of headings
    • CT# with link ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Customer References# (GenTab C.Customer Ref)
    • Transport Modes (GenTab F. Mode of Transport:)
    • Shippers (GenTab 2.Shipper) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Consignees (GenTab 3.Consignee) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Origin Countries (GenTab 11. Origin country) -> defaulted on the combo box
    • Destination Countries (GenTab 12. Destination country) -> defaulted on the combo box
    • Estimated Picked Up Date -> defaulted on the combo box
    • Actual Picked Up Date -> defaulted on the combo box
    • Estimated Delivery Date
    • Actual Delivery Date
    • P.O (ContTab Table A.)->defaulted on the combo box
    • SKU (ContTab Table A.)
    • Quantity (ContTab Table A.)
    • Item Description (ContTab Table A.)
    • Ttl # of plts (ContTab Table A.)
    • Ttl pkgs on pkgs (ContTab Table A.)
    • Loose pkgs (ContTab Table A.)
    • Ttl G kg (ContTab Table A.)
    • Custom fields (if E0 client has "custom fields" that is/are set in admin mode, these should be available list as well)
    • Total CBM (ContTab Table B.)
    • Last Comment entry (ComTab>most recent comment) ->defaulted on the combo box
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