Software Support Process

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CT2 Support Operation covers:

  • Maintenance of existing system (upgrades, backups, monitoring, etc)
  • Help Desk operation
  • Etc

Help Desk

Requests can be classified into:

  • bug reports
  • create new user / client company request
  • new feature or change request
  • general questions and misc

At the moment all requests above follow same work flow - see below.

Help Desk Work flow for any requests coming from Non NY Office Jag Users

  • Contact local CT2 Business Analyst (Level 0). (If can not be resolved escalate to the next level)
  • (Marc Selter) (Level 1). (If can not be resolved escalate to the next level)

Help Desk Work flow for any requests coming from NY Office Jag Users

  • (Marc Selter) (Level 1).
    • (If can not be resolved escalate to the next level)
  • (Tira, Paul, Alex, isales) (Level 2)
    • isales - handle user/login tasks/issues, report scheduler, client company profile
    • Paul - handles more complex cases with user/login tasks/issues, report scheduler, Admin, server issues
    • Tira - handles issues related to Ops Pdfs, Client, Acc Sales
    • Alex - handles issues related to Ops Reps, Ops, Acc Purch/Reports/Etc

Help Desk Work flow for any requests coming from Client Users


Same as in #NY Office Jag Users - see above

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