Generic Docs Commodity Table (abstract)

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Parent Mantis


Business Needs and Requirements

Technical Specification


This is a super class for all Docs Commodity Tables. It has most generic functionality that is inherited by more specific tables.

Known sub-classes:

User Interface and Functionality

Template - see #Figure 1: Generic Docs Commodity Table Template.

Pdf - see #Figure 2: Generic Docs Commodity Table Pdf.


Line Up

  • Line could be selected and then moved up the list until top is reached
  • At first no line is selected
  • Once some line is selected system should hold selection until template is refreshed

Line Down

  • Line could be selected and then moved down the list until bottom is reached
  • At first no line is selected
  • Once some line is selected system should hold selection until template is refreshed

Insert Line

  • User selects line, clicks "Insert Blank Line"
  • System must insert line above selected
  • Once a line is selected system should hold selection until template is refreshed. This is more convenient if user wants to insert several lines at a time

Delete line

  • User can select lines and click "Delete". System would delete selected line and move all lines below one line up.
  • As usual keep selected line selected


  • User can select lines and click "Clear". All data will be cleared.



  • See sec 1 on [#Figure 1: Generic Docs Commodity Table Template].
  • Has a check box to select all rows.


There could be any number of columns.

Additional functionality could be included - see child types/classes.

First column contains checkboxes that are used for row manipulation.


Inside of every cell on template we could have textbox, textarea, etc. Data type could be string, number, etc.


There could be any number of rows.

See [#Buttons] section for various operations you can perform with rows.

Additional functionality could be included - see child types/classes.


See sec 4 on [#Figure 1: Generic Docs Commodity Table Template].

If column contains data of numerical types then system must calculate and display read only total in textbox.

See Precision.

Special Cases: Multiple Pages

Look And Feel

  • See Figure 1,2.
  • Columns that contain alphanumeric data must be left aligned
  • Columns that contain numeric data must be right aligned (some include unit of measurement)


Figure 1: Generic Docs Commodity Table Template

File:Generic Docs Commodity Table Template.JPG

Figure 2: Generic Docs Commodity Table Pdf

File:Generic Docs Commodity Table Pdf.JPG


Known Non Critical Bugs and Issues

  • Do we want to have bar only above totals or across entire table
  • What is the Insert logic for fixed lines document (like HAWB)?
    • option1) no Insert button
    • option2) insert up to max# of lines and then display warning pop-up


Old spec

See Commodity Table for Pdfs


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