Generic Spec Template

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Revision as of 18:21, 30 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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General Info and Scope

  • Prerequisites:
    • read ...
    • ...



Business Requirements

  • This section is defined by Business Analyst
  • In this section this component/feature is defined from the business standpoint. All important points are listed. It could include some design details if business insists on specific design.

Notes from Systems Architect

  • This section is defined by Systems Architect. It is written after #Business Requirements are defined.
  • The purpose of this section is to give direction to System Analysts who will write detailed specification.

Preliminary Design / Prototype

  • In some cases (component is non standard) we need to do preliminary not so detailed design before detailed final.
  • This section does not have to be too detailed or too formalized. We shall not spend too much time on Prototypes - they can change many times.

Detailed Design


User Interface

Functionality / Use Cases

  • This section you could spit into two. But often it is hard to do since often most of functionality is UI related

Special Cases and Misc

  • If any exist


This section is to be written by QA Engineer or QA Manager or Systems Analyst.

Test Cases

  • List unusual scenarios - things that user most of the time would not do but system must handle well
  • Do not list Common Test Cases - link to them

Look and Feel


Figure 1:


Link to User Guide


Request For Comments (Suggestions and Ideas)

Known Non Critical Bugs

  • Critical bugs must be posted into Mantis


Implementation: Link To DB

Implementation: Link To Front End Code

Implementation: Link To Back End Code

History of Updates

Links to Archived / Old specs

..... <update summary> .....

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