Gen Tab (component)

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Revision as of 14:11, 28 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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General Info

  • Scope: This wiki covers CT GenTab UI component.
  • This is a major UI based CT2 component.
  • Parent Mantis: 1676
  • Related category: Category:Gen Tab

Business Needs and Requirements

Technical Specification


TS:User Interface

Fields: Common for all Modes Of Transport

Export ref

Attribute: Value:
widget type: Textbox
adjusent label: A.Export ref#:
default: blank
type/format: see ct#Export ref
required?: N
validation type: Textbox#zk standard; Textbox#on submit

Import ref

Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label: B. Import ref#:

Customer ref

Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label: C. Customer ref#:

Jaguar 3rd ref

Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label: D. Jaguar 3rd ref#:

E0 Client

Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label: E0. Client:


Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label: F. Mode of Transport:

Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label:

Attribute: Value:
widget type: TBD
adjusent label:

Fields: LCL only

Fields: FCL only

Fields: Air only

Fields: Trucking only

TS: Functionality

Look And Feel


Figure 1: Gen Tab Undefined

File:Gen Tab Undefined.JPG

Figure 2: Gen Tab Air

File:Gen Tab Air.JPG

Figure 3: Gen Tab FCL

File:Gen Tab FCL.JPG

Figure 4: Gen Tab LCL

File:Gen Tab LCL.JPG

Figure 5: Gen Tab Truck Air

File:Gen Tab Truck Air.JPG

Figure 6: Gen Tab Truck Dom

File:Gen Tab Truck Dom.JPG

Figure 7: Gen Tab Truck Ocean

File:Gen Tab Truck Ocean.JPG


Known Non Critical Bugs and Issues



Personal tools