Measurement Unit Converters (feature)

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Revision as of 22:28, 20 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Prerequisites, Classified As, Parent Mantis

  • Prerequisites:
    • read ...
    • ...

Business Needs

Business Requirements

Comments from Systems Analyst

Technical Specification


There are a number of different converters available that behave similarly.

See 2 examples on Figure 1.

User Interface and Functionality

Common functionality

  • To convert user must select the appropriate unit in dropdown
  • If value is 0 then print blank instead of number on pdf.

Volume converter

Default: HU.

Formula: ...

Weight converter

Default: HU.

Formula: ...

PCS converter

Default: HU.


HU (Handling Units) = Ttl # of plts + Loose pkgs
AMS number = Ttl pkgs on plts + Loose pkgs 
  • ss1 // For some pdfs for commod table we need to add choice to print instead of HU number (as we have now) AMS number (Ttl pkgs on plts + Loose pkgs)
  • ss2 // all we need is dropdown with 2 options "HU, AMS" (similar to cbm/lb)
  • ss3 // no need to change label on pdf or print unit of measurement

old spec: Common_specs_for_pdfs#HU_vs_AMS

Special Cases and Misc

Look And Feel


Figure 1: Template and Pdf

File:Measurement Unit Converters (feature).JPG

Questions and RFC

Known Non Critical Bugs

Links to Archived / Old specs


This doc has been created


Re-design (Tweak) (Spec Update): ..... <summary> .....

<wiki date/signature>

  • mantis: <link>
  • Biz Req updated? N/Y
  • Tech Spec updated? N/Y


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