Security And User Roles

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Revision as of 19:04, 19 January 2010 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Classified As and Parent Mantis

Business Needs

System needs to have different levels of access. (As any system of this scale).

Business Requirements

BR Version 1.0

  • Each jaguar user should be of one access type. This type controls what resources (components, etc) and features user can use. For example "Basic Ops" can not access accounting module.
  • Types we need:
  • Basic Ops
  • Super Ops
  • Basic Acc
  • Super Acc
  • Management
  • Sales
  • Blank 1
  • Blank 2
  • Some of the Access Options we need (more to come):

  • Typical access options would be to allow to click on a button and proceed to a homepage of a component (example: Acc button on CT2 homepage). If user do not have enough rights then system could show pop-up stating that user has no access. Or we could simply hide that button.
  • One design option would in the form of table - see #Figure 1: UI

Please note that above Biz Reqs has been implemented.

BR Version 2.0

Technical Specification


User Interface and Functionality

Entities and Attributes

Special Cases and Misc

Look And Feel


Figure 1: UI

File:User Access Admin.JPG

Questions and RFC

Known Non Critical Bugs

Links to Archived / Old specs =



This doc has been created

--Alex 18:42, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

Re-design: Managing access types should be through admin; new access options: per tab, per form control

--Alex 18:39, 19 January 2010 (UTC)


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