Client Login Panel

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Revision as of 03:01, 18 July 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Parent Mantis:

ss1) This is a typical "login panel" with "Save my password" and "Forgot Password?" feature

ss2) For the "first/limited clients release" this would be a separate page. After CT1 is discontinued this would become just a panel on homepage

ss3) This Login Page/Panel consists of:

  • Username field
  • Password field
  • Save my password check box
  • Forgot Password? link

Use cases

uc1) try to log in using correct uname/pwd

  1. goto Internal App and create non-jag account, set active=true
  2. goto Client App
  3. enter uname, pwd, click on "Login"
  4. system should show Client App Home Page

us2) try to log in using incorrect uname/pwd TBD

Look And Feel


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