Client Statistics Report
From UG
Contents |
Business Needs and Requirements
This report is a statistic report that user can generate in order to view statistic numbers of:
- FCL: How many containers with different types and sizes per month from each origin terminal to each destination terminal?
- LCL: How much total of gross weight and total in cbm per month for each LCL shipment from each origin terminal to each destination terminal each month?
- Air: How much chargeable weight per month for each airline from origin terminal to destination terminal?
- Truck: How many movement and how much total Gross weight per month for each trucking company from origin terminal to destination terminal?
Technical Specification
User Interface
- Statistic Reports Menu
- Filters Tab -> see figure under User Defined Conditions
- Output Tab -> dynamically list of headings depend on MODE. See detail under #Output
Hard Coded Conditions
- Total per month consider Actual Delivery Date?
- Per client company
- Total containers with each combination between types and sizes
- Mapped to ContTab.size and ContTab.Type (15 cases)
- Total Gross weight
- Total in cbm
- Mapped to ContTab.Table A. GrandTotal.Ttl G kg
- Mapped to ContTab.Table B. Total (in cbm)
- Total chargeable weight
- Mapped to ExpTab.17b: Chargeable weight
MOT = Truck
- Total movement ???how do we know? are we counting by container? or something else? what is TEU
- Total Gross weight
- Mapped to # container?????
- Mapped to ContTab.Table A. GrandTotal.Ttl G kg