In Transit Report ARC

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Revision as of 23:16, 5 December 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Ver 0

Ver 1.0 : Dates Conditions

  • These conditions are MOT specific
  • Conditions below must be true for CT to be on this report
  • They are hard coded


((GenTab Estimated Export Pickup Date is not empty 
  OR GenTab Actual Export Pickup Date is not empty 
  GenTab Actual Delivery is empty ) = true

Or to re-phrase:

2 conditions must be satisfied at the same time:

  • cond1) One or more of the dates from the following list are NOT empty:
    • GenTab Estimated Export Pickup Date
    • GenTab Actual Export Pickup Date
  • cond2) GenTab Actual Delivery is empty

MOT = Air

((GenTab Estimated Export Pickup Date is not empty 
  OR GenTab Actual Export Pickup Date is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Arrival Into Warehouse Date is not empty
  OR ExpTab Airport of Departure ETD is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Airport of Departure ATD is not empty
  ) AND
  ImpTab Actual Delivery is empty ) = true


((GenTab Estimated Export Pickup Date is not empty 
  OR GenTab Actual Export Pickup Date is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Arrival Into Warehouse Date is not empty
  OR ExpTab Origin Terminal ETD is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Origin Terminal ATD is not empty
  OR ExpTab Port Of Loading ETD is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Port Of Loading ATD is not empty
  ) AND
  ImpTab Actual Delivery is empty ) = true


 (For every containerX on Container Table: 
      Estimated collection OR 
      Actual collection is not empty) 
  OR ExpTab Origin Terminal ETD is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Origin Terminal ATD is not empty
  OR ExpTab Port Of Loading ETD is not empty 
  OR ExpTab Port Of Loading ATD is not empty 
  For at least one containerX on Container Table:
      Actual Delivery is empty

QA Plan

  • t1 for every MOT above design and run:
    • at least 2 sets of conditions for given CT that should make it APPEAR on report
    • at least 2 sets of conditions for given CT that should make it NOT APPEAR on report

Tweaks V.1.1.a

Note: Feed back added from meeting on Oct1,2009

tw1) Add output tab for user in order to manage his report result. Heading consists of:

  • CT#
  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Quantity
  • Departure
  • Destination
  • Departure Date
  • Arrival Date
  • P.O.

No update to TS

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