Inventory and Call Off

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  • Parent: 0004392
  • Category: ASN: Inventory and Call Off

Business Info


  • Inventory - Supplier's information about items ready to ship.
  • Per Marc, Inventory is a quantity of items related to a purchase order that are "manufactured" and "ready" at a supplier's warehouse.
  • This is Portal-specific data
  • 1 "Inventory Record" = unique PO / SKU combination
  • Inventory can be "replenished". This means the supplier can add more quantities at any point in time.
  • Call Off - Action of a Planner with "Call Off" rights to request/reserve some quantity of the PO from Inventory.
  • Per Marc, Planner users can select a quantity from "Inventory" and ask the supplier to create an ASN for that "Quantity".
  • Pending Call Off
  • Inventory Shipper
  • Call Off Planner

Business Needs

  • The simple way of auto-update a list of open POs
  • Notify/filtering a due date status of PO (e-mail, DB reports)
  • Provide visibility of Supplier inventory levels
  • Create "Call Off" based on Inventory record
  • Log call off request in inventory
  • Create ASN from "Call Off"
  • Analytics in Flashlight


Solution Summary

System should provide the following steps/processes:

  • Open POs - Purchase Order upload per "PO Issued by"
  • Inventory - Creating Inventory record by Supplier
  • Call Off - Requesting quantity of PO by Planner
  • Notifications and reports


  • Add Inventory Shipper Role
  • Add "Call Off" rights as option of Planner User
  • Ability to enable/disable "Inventory and Call Off" feature in Portal
  • Per Portal, manage a table of allowed Inventory Shippers by "PO issued by"


  • Open POs tab
  • Fields
  • Filters
  • Controls
  • Functions
  • Inventory tab
  • Fields
  • Supplier
  • Pick up Location
  • PO #
  • Item code
  • Description
  • Price
  • PO Issued By
  • Packaging?
  • Ship to?
  • Filters
  • Controls
  • Functions
  • Call Off tab
  • Fields
  • Filters
  • Controls
  • Functions


  • Impending PO Dashboard report


SOW 1 Add Inventory Shipper Role

mantis: 4457

  • This is new type of CT2 user
  • This user is linked to ASN Portal (one or more ?)
  • It is allowed to work in Inventory with all or some "PO issued by" (managed in ASN Portal admin)
  • Inventory Shipper functions are:
  • create Inventory record from open PO
  • confirm cargo ready (available) date (?) and enter other fields (pallets, packaging, gross weight, dims, ship to)
  • replenish Inventory record (add more quantities at any point in time)
  • proceed "Call Off":
  • open "Call Off" record
  • confirm Cargo Ready Date
  • updates all fields required (need validations)
  • create ASN from "Call Off"
  • NOTE: Allow item QTY changes! (???)
  • close Inventory record (moving to another tab)

SOW 2 Add "Call Off" rights as option of Planner User

mantis: 4458

  • This is new option for CT2 Generic Planner user
  • ...

SOW 3 Inventory and Call Off panel

mantis: 4459

  • This is separate section of ASN2 to provide:
  • List of open POs
  • Inventory information on Supplier's level
  • Call Off functionality on Planner's level
  • ability to create ASN from "Call Off" record
  • Inventory panel should be managed to enable from ASN Portal admin by "PO issued by".
  • If enabled, the Inventory Shippers need to be selected to create inventories (No selection -> All shippers can create inventories).

SOW 4 Purchase Order upload

mantis: 4437

  • This feature provides upload PO information into the ASN Portal.
  • It is suggested to use pre-formatted spreadsheet or csv spec that contains the fields:
  • PO Issued By
  • Supplier
  • Pick up Location
  • PO #
  • Item code
  • QTY
  • Description
  • Unit Price
  • Supplier Due Date
  • Packaging?
  • Ship to?
  • The file should be proceeded via FTP.
  • Validations - ...
  • Once POs uploaded they should be displayed on Open POs tab
  • Visibility rules - ...

SOW 5 Supplier Due Date: indicate, filter, notify

mantis: 4460

  • Supplier Due Date
= when does this need to be ready at the supplier
= date by which an INVENTORY record needs to be created.
  • Add "Due date" group indicator as column in the table of Open POs:
  • Green. Due date is in XXX weeks
  • Yellow. Due date is in YYY weeks
  • Orange. Due date is in ZZZ days
  • Red. Due is "past due"
  • Add ability to filter by group of due date
  • Add ability to send "Due date" e-mail notifications
  • Green/Yellow "due date": no need to notify.
  • Orange "due date": "PO / Item is due in xx days and no inventory record was created. Please provide a status update urgently."
  • Red "due date". "PO / Item is due tomorrow and no inventory record was created. This order is late. Please update."
  • Add "Due date" dashboard report
  • ...

SOW 6 Inventory tab

mantis: ???

  • Inventory
  • ...
  • closed Inventory
  • ...

SOW 7 Call Off tab

mantis: ???

  • Call Off
  • ...

SOW 8 Logging and show history

mantis: ???

  • Logging
  • ...

SOW 9 Flagging and Watchlist

mantis: ???

  • Flagging
  • Watchlist
  • ...

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