EDI 315

From UG

Revision as of 04:53, 8 November 2013 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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  • EDI 315 is a Shipment Status message
  • It is incoming message (sent by Carrier)
  • This message is used to update Master record:
    • Actual Departure Date
    • Actual Arrival Date

Do we need any other updates?

Message Flow

File:Message flow 315.JPG

Old Fields

Actual Departure Date

  • map:
  • required: Y
  • EDI:
  • Notes:

Actual Arrival Date

  • map:
  • required: Y
  • EDI:
  • Notes:

Reporting and Notifications

Master Comments Tab

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Email Notifications

Per users important.

User who is monitoring this shipment must receive notification when fields are updated.

How to define this user? User who created record? Or add extra field "Updates monitored by"?

Email Template





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