Acc Client Group

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Acc Dept needs for reporting purposes to define new entity Acc Client Group that would identify a group of Client Companies.

From accounting standpoint the following Client Companies in the system (E0) represent one "master client company" Elizabeth Arden:
* Elizabeth Arden 
* 4Pole


Add new entity to the system: Acc Client Group

Add this to "Main Menu > Acc".

One client company can be part of only one acc group.

Add one additional field to Client company profile for Acc Group.

For productivity/basic convenience implement this:

  • Provide ability to select multiple companies from the list and assign to specific group.
  • Client company list should show what Acc Client Group each Client company belongs to (if any).
  • Client company list should be sort-able by Acc Client Group.

Acc Client Group filter and column on reports

For "Modify Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs - Summary" do the following:

[R1] Add "Acc Client Group" filter to filters panel.

[R2] Add "Acc Client Group" column to HTML and xls output - see below.


Future versions will add the following functionality:


0003230: (Acc Report: Etc) Define "Acc Client Group" entity in the system and provide it as a filter / field on most Acc reports

Current Implementation

  • Admin > Client Companies > Acc Client Companies Groups
  • Filter on Profit/Loss for Multiple CTs report
  • NOTE: does not seems to be finished functionality
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