Users Selector

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Revision as of 13:17, 25 October 2013 by Andrei (Talk | contribs)
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This article describes a standard Users Selector component of Cybertrax system (CT2).


We have these types of Cybertrax User:

  • Jaguar User
  • Non-Jaguar User


In depends of using we can vary some visual parameters:

Look & Feel

  • Widget:
  • Dropdown Listbox
  • Combobox (a.k.a Searchbox)
  • Single-select VS Multi-select
  • One line VS Two lines
  • FName + LName + (@) OR Names only OR @ only
  • 1 line = @, 2 line = FName + LName
  • Ordering:
  • key field
  • ascending/descending
  • Colouring (e.g. grey non-active)


  • Show/Hide archived
  • User Role specific

Default set

  • Combobox - One line info - Multiselect - Ordered by ascending by First name - Hide archived

Where is used

Personal tools