Sasha 2009

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Sasha Daily Reports


Sprint w40, Oct5-Oct9

Sprint Plan

Continue to complete all the tasks. Make sure all the tasks passed by QA and plan to release to Staging on Thursday this week.

Sprint Actual


w40, Oct5-Oct9

Daily Mini Update

Mon Oct5

  • 0001283: [Client.WatchList]Add mouse over for CC status by color and only check symbol for the green status
  • 0001282: [Client.*Misc] link to indicate that there is a calendar feature when user do mouse over.
  • 0001284: [Client.WhereIs] Tweak: add a column for binocular itself in front of P.O column. and change color of binocular
  • 0001291: [Client.Reports]Show/hide Client companies filter for both Main and In-transit report
  • 0001259: [Acc.CT.Tabs.Import.TOC]Set default to local currency for user login
  • 0001158: [Client.MAWBtracking]Tweak from feedback Sep4 meeting. Make a better design or blend the color better for the Client App

Tue Oct6

  • 0001228: [Client.LogInPanel] Integrate Login panel to the CT1 homepage
  • fixed PO Number displaying on WatchList Page (was hardcoded value)
  • fixed Clear button on Output Fields list of Main Report

Wed Oct7

  • Implementing Dates component for Report's dates intervals
  • 0001304: [Ops.Pdfs.*Common] new: 'Domestic vs International Address' feature (started)

Thu Oct8

Fri Oct9

Sprint w39, Sep28-Oct2

Sprint Plan


Continue to complete all the tasks. Plan to demo on Monday and release to Staging on Tuesday this week.

Sprint Actual


w39, Sep 28- Oct2

Daily Mini Update

Mon 28 Sep

Tue 29 Sep

Wed 30 Sep

Thu 1 Oct

Fri 2 Oct

Sprint w38, Sep21-Sep25

Sprint Plan


Continue to complete all the tasks. Plan to release to Staging on Tuesday this week.

Sprint Actual


w38, Sep 21-Sep25

Daily Mini Update

Mon 21 Sep

Tue 22 Sep

Wed 23 Sep

Thu 24 Sep

Fri 25 Sep

Sprint w37, Sep14-Sep18

Sprint Plan

Continue to complete all the tasks. Plan to release this week.

Sprint Actual


w37, Sep 14-Sep18

Daily Mini Update

Mon 14 Sep

  • 0001021: [Client.ListAll] Implement v1.0
  • 2h 0001176: [Client.WhereIs] add counter() for every mode. and show result on the excel for only mode that has shipments and.. started
  • 0001098: [Client.Reports] Implement update specs for Report Main(wizard)
  • 0001027: [Client.CTdetails] Implement v1.0

Tue 15 Sep

  • 1h 0001099 Client [Client.Reports] Implement update specs for In Transit Report
  • 2h 0001098 Client [Client.Reports] Implement update specs for Report Main(wizard)
  • 0.25h 0001026: [Client.*Misc] Implement v1.0
  • 1h 0001017 Client [Client.LogInPanel] Create Look and Feel for ver# 1.0 (started)

Wed 16 Sep

Thu 17 Sep

Fri 18 Sep

Sprint w36, Sep7-Sep11

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w36, Sep 7- Sep11

Daily Mini Update

Mon 7 Sep

Tue 8 Sep

  • 1.5h 0001140: [Client.CTdetails] Authorized MOT logic needs to be implemented.
  • 0.5h 0001088: [Client.CTdetails] Updated Container Tab for Ocean Tracking //fixed://
    • need to fit width of columns "SS line" and "Seal" for look better.
  • 0.5h 0001139 [Ops.CT.Tabs.Import.Air&Ocean] TOC table -> currency field doesn't show fully column.
  • 1h Client WhereIsReport
    • Warning message if no filters selected.
    • Changed Logo image
    • Report header time format as hh:mm AM/PM (Time Zone)
  • 0.1h For contact us, link to instead of

Wed 9 Sep

  • 1.5h 0001145: [Client.WhereIs]
    • Tab over feature for all Master Airway Bill and Container# fields filters and Report for Air
    • When client fills in Master Airway Bill for the filter(apply to all the reports), then generate result. This result MUST show only AIR results. It is already implemented on Internal App.
  • 3h 0000926: [Client.WhereIs] Implement v1.0 //fixes://
    • SKU Filter (fixed bug of showing PO instead of SKU) in report
    • MAWB and Container filter – by adding value to listbox system shows “Fellow component not found: rowContainers”;
    • //Client visibility rule – fail (sub-filters)//
    • “Reset Form” button don’t clears “Departure/Arrival Date” fileds
    • RFC:
      • Add constraint for MAWB length the same as done in CT on ExpTab.
      • Add constraint for Container number length the same as done in CT on ExpTab.
      • Add auto-capitalize first part of Container number.
  • 1h Database fixed

Thu 10 Sep

  • 1.5h Component for show binocular image in shipment details.
  • 2.5h 0001156: [Client.CTdetails]Tweaks from feed back on Sep3,09 meeting. Tweaks from feed back on Sep3,2009
    • tw1) Printer friendly button
      • For comment tab - please add comment on there (Client can see comment on the printer friendly button)
      • For comm Center tab and Doc Center tab - No need printer friendly button (take it out)
    • tw2) Comm Center tab - when user types and the auto email shows up and he clicks Enter, then clicks Add button, - fixed
    • tw4) MOT Authorized - Update the language from "Mode of Transport is authorized to ... and pending of approval from an operator!" to Mode of Transport is authorized to ... and it is now pending confirmation from the operator"
    • tw5) Comment tab and Comm Center tab - Log message history shows the most recent added on the top
    • tw6) also move Subject up a little bit(too much space between date and subject)
      • I removed subject at all because all subjects the same : CT#number

Fri 11 Sep

  • 0.25h 0001171 Client [Client.HomePage] Tweaks update Name "World Financial Market" to "World Financial Markets"
  • 0.25h 0001174 Client [Client.*Misc] Excel Reports(all) can we make hyperlinks more oustanding to indicate users that there is hyperlinks
  • 3h 0001159 Client [Client.WhereIs] Tweak: add a binocular in from of the record(s) that is searched for //(started)//

Sprint w35, Aug 31- Sep4

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w35, Aug 31-Sep 4

Daily Mini Update

Mon 31 Aug

  • 1h: Admin application. Add interface for selectiong BCC List from JaguarUserList
  • 4h: Making adaptive filters for Client Reports. Done:
    • Countries (Origin/Destination)
    • Airports (Origin/Destination)
    • Shippers, Consignee - for Main Report Wizard

Tue 1 Sep

  • 0001019: [Client.HomePage] Implement v1.0
  • 0001140: [Client.CTdetails] Authorized MOT logic needs to be implemented.
    • fixed Hold mode
    • E-mail auto generate to Operator last changes and BCC

Wed 2 Sep

  • 0000912 Ops [Ops.CT.Tabs.Invoices.*] Invoice tab on one CT creates invoices for another CT
  • Client Report filters done(Main Report Wizard - Ocean Port/Terminals - Origin, Destination)
  • 0000940 Client [Client.MAWB] Implement v1.0
  • 0001022 Client [Client.MyProfile] Implement v1.0
    • E-mail label as User Name
    • Added Company name read-only field
    • Default BBC News
    • Added New York Times RSS Feed
  • 0001097 Client [Client.WhereIs] Excel Report heading format.

Thu 3 Sep

  • 4h 0001105 Client [Client.WatchList] Implement Shipment Progressing bar (finished)

Fri 4 Sep

Sprint w34, Aug 24-28

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w34, Aug 24-28

Daily Mini Update

Mon 24 Aug

Tue 25 Aug

  • 1h // Fixed bug with Issue Invoices on NY Server
  • 1h // Fixed bug of loading container list of Master Shipment
  • 4h // 0001101 Client [Client.MAWB] Implement v1.0 for Ocean Tracking shipment (Started)

Wed 26 Aug

  • 2h // 0001101 Client [Client.MAWB] Implement v1.0 for Ocean Tracking shipment (finished)
  • 4h // 0000940 Client [Client.MAWB] Implement v1.0

Thu 27 Aug

  • 2h// 0001096 Client [Client.WhereIs] Tweaks Date logic and rename label (Completed)
  • 1h// 0001069: [BugsOnClient] Data format must be DD-MON-YYYY in all "Client Application".
  • 2h// 0001067 Client [BugsOnClient] 922 [Client.MyProfile] after saving changes - we see them only after updating page (Completed)
  • 1h// 0001078 Client [Client.Reports]Tweaks on Client.Report (__fixing feedback__)

Fri 28 Aug

  • 0001097 Client [Client.WhereIs] Excel Report heading format. (finished)
  • 0001020 Client [Client.Misc] "Terms and Condition" onPress pop-up Window (need test on server)
  • 0001105 Client [Client.WatchList] Implement Shipment Pregressing bar (__not finished__)

Sprint w33, Aug 17-21

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w33, Aug 17-21

Daily Mini Update

Mon 17 Aug

  • 5h // 0001027 (in progress) Client[Client.CTdetails] Implement v1.0:
    • Tabs Order
    • Removed Containers from Air Shipment
    • Authorizing button - shows success message
    • Tabs Completed:
      • Shipment details TAB
      • Commodity TAB
      • Containers TAB
      • Comments TAB
  • 2h // 0001088 (done) Client [Client.CTdetails] Updated Container Tab for Ocean Tracking
    • SS Line Column
    • Tracking Button Added
  • 1.5h // 0001085 (done) Client [Client.CTdetails]Add another section for Air Shipment detail, Tracking Shipment Button for Air Shipmenmt tracking Rules

Tue 18 Aug

7h // 0001027 Client [Client.CTdetails] Implement v1.0 in Progress:

  • Document Center Tab:
    • Financial docs section (Invoices) - Changed PDF Generation method: Now Invoices pdfs generates not every time when ViewDocument button pressed, but stored in pdf file and then shows to Client or JaguarUser. Similar to Invoices pdf reports. It's increasing speed of document loading.
    • Shipping docs section (PDF Reports)- done.
    • Commercial docs section (UploadedFile) - started

Wed 19 Aug

  • 5h // 0001027 Client [Client.CTdetails] Implement v1.0 in Progress:
    • Document Center Tab - Completed:
    • Commercial docs section (UploadedFile) - done;
  • 2h // 0001050 [Acc.CT.Tabs.Sales/Internal] Add one more column with "Visible to client?" checkbox into invoice table

Thu 20 Aug

  • 1.5h // new zul-native components developed for simplified using controls (buttons and checkboxed) in ZK grids and listboxes
  • 5h // 0001027 Client [Client.CTdetails] Implement v1.0 in Progress:
    • Changed Invoice PDF Output to the new browser's window tab instead of popup window. It's commonly using in the internal application method.
    • Printer Friendly Version:
      • Initial output to the new window simplified information
      • Checked for valid information of all shipment's MOT
      • Still need to justify output for proper fitting it into print page.

Fri 21 Aug

  • 3h // CT Details - finished Printer Friendly version
  • 2h // Started Ocean MAWB Tracking

Sprint w32, Aug 10 - 14

Sprint Plan


Sprint Actual


w32, Aug 10-14

Daily Mini Update

Mon 10 Aug

  • 2h Communication+ EMH for backlog
  • 4h MacroComponent for using in reports develop
  • 1h Starting implement Client Report Tweaks

Tue 11 Aug

__task 0001078 for all reports__

  • 0,5h Removed filters: Export Ref, Import Ref, Jaguar 3d Party
  • 0,1h Removed Go Back Buttons
  • 0,1h Filter Names: Shipper, Consignee, Original Country(Region), Destination Country(Region)
  • 3h Departure Date and Arrival Date from-to Sequence validation

__task 0001023 started__

  • 2h

Wed 12 Aug

  • 2h // 0001070 [Client.CTdetails] Notification Date on CT Detail MUST be a current date of record // done
  • 1.5h // 0001059 [Client.ListAll] Deleted Shipment appear in Archived Tab // done
  • 4h // 0001023: [Client.WatchList] Implement v1.0 // continue
    • User interface (two vertical tables, Watch List paging, Items exchange to -from Top5 List)
    • Store user defined Top5 items (SQL, View update)
    • Warning message when user is about to exit page with unsaved data

Th 13 Aug

  • 4h // 0001023 [Client.WatchList] Implement v1.0 // finished
    • Show undefined MOT with "Nothing is currently in Top5" if Empty TOP5
    • Mouse hints for Column Names
    • sorting shipments by columns
    • paging
  • 1.5 h // deploying, testing, communication
  • 2.0 h // starting 0001021 Client [Client.ListAll] Implement v1.0

Fri 14 Aug

  • 5h // 0001021 Client [Client.ListAll] Implement v1.0 - finished
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