Purchase Invoices

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Revision as of 18:06, 26 June 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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  • 1] System provides facilities for entering, editing, reporting on incoming (purchase) invoices (PI).
  • 2] Related sub-components are:
    • PI profile
    • Incomplete PI Report
    • Search PI Report

PI Profile

User Interface Overview

See example below: http://mantis.jaguarfreight.com/svn/ct2/SS/acc/PI/v4/PI_form2.JPG

It consists of the following sections:

  • navigation/actions (Save, New, Back, etc)
  • sec A – General Fields
  • sec B – Table Of Charges (TOC)
  • sec C – Table of Masters Distribution (TOMD)

General Fields

  • Vendor - single select, values = [Admin.AddrBook.VendorsTab];
    • all categories V1, v2, … combined;
    • default = blank
  • Receiving Office
  • Invoice#
  • Date – date/time – datebox and timebox, read-only
    • default – current date and time (when new inv created)
    • when opened for edit, date/time would be updated to current
  • Currency
  • Amount
  • Exchange Rate to USD (based on Date/time above)
  • Note

Charge Base Value

  • Charge Base Value (CBV) is a physical quality of the CT/Master and is a basis for calculating charges. For example, CBV for Air shipment is normally Chargeable Weight and CBV for Truck shipments is Gross Weight.
  • There are 4 types of CBV:
    • chargeable_weight
    • gross_weight
    • volume/cbm
    • CT_count

Table Of Charges (TOC)

  • It is used to assign portions of total PI amount to specific CT or Master and attach specific CT to that amount.
  • Total for TOC must be equal to PI total
  • After CC is selected system would pre-fill M or I into M/I dropdown. But this could be changed any time by user(next ver)
  • case1: If M is selected system expects Master number identified (by entering M directly or any CT that is a part of Master). In this case Amount entered for current line would be split across CTs in this Master based on Charge Base Value (CBV).
  • case2: If CT is selected then charge would be mapped against that CT

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