Client Main Report

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Revision as of 13:21, 3 October 2009 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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Major Edits

  • --Alex 22:21, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added Business Requirements section
  • --Alex 22:35, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added alternative naming for specs (with "it" or "mw")
  • --Alex 22:53, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added it2)
  • --Alex 23:15, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : updasted mw2)
  • see wiki history for minor edits


Mantis parent: 0000591:Client.Reports

Business Requirements

  • The goal of this component is to give client user ability to run reports
  • We can give same reports we have for Jag user
  • Of course we need to adapt them:
    • show client user only "his records" (that we allowed him to see)
    • show client user only "his filters" (that we allowed him to see)
    • output format might be different for jag vs non-jag user


ss1 This component consists of:

  • Client In Transit Report
  • Client Main (Wizard) Report

ss2 see separate sections in this doc for each report

Client In Transit Report SS

it1)(ss1) This is a client version of In Transit Report.

it2) (ss2) All same but:

Feedback from Simon (meeting on 18 Aug 2009) --Tira 12:44PM , 19 Aug 2009 (UTC)

  • Rename "Original Country" to "Origin Country"
  • All the same BUT these filters MUST be client specific auto populated:
    • Client Companies
    • Origin Country
    • Destination Country
    • AIR
      • Origin Airport (also update name from "Original" to "Origin"
      • Destination Airport
    • OCEAN
      • Origin Port/Terminal (also update name from "Original" to "Origin"
      • Destination Port/Terminal

Client Main (Wizard) Report SS

mw1) (ss1) This is a client version of Main Wizard Report

mw2) (ss2) All same but: --Alex 23:24, 31 July 2009 (UTC) See additional specs for changes --Tira 11:33, 19 Aug 2009

  • extra filter: Client visibility rule
  • new remove these filters:
    • Export Ref # contains:
    • Import Ref # contains:
    • Jaguar 3rd Ref # contains:

Additional specs --Tira 11:33, 19 Aug 2009

  • There are 4 filters tabs: General Filters, Transportation Filters, Date Filters, and Output
  • General Filters
    • All the same but these filters drop down list MUST be Client specific: Auto populated (currently showing the whole long list, it should show only the specific list for client):
      • Client Company
      • Shipper
      • Consignee
      • Origin Country (also update name from "Original Country" to "Origin Country"
      • Destination Country
      • Shipping Terms
      • Pickup Locations
      • Delivery Locations
    • Remove Cargo Locations
  • Transport Mode filters in General Tab logic connect to Transportation Filters:
    • IF client select ANY OCEAN and click check box, Transportation Filters tab will show ONLY ocean filters as below:
      • Container#s
      • Shipping Line (also update name from "Steamshipline" to "Shipping Line"
      • Origin Port/Terminal (also update name from "Original Port/Terminal" to "Origin Port/Terminal"
      • Destination Port/Terminal
      • Vessel Name Contains
    • IF client select AIR and click check box, Transportation Filters tab will show ONLY air filters as below:
      • Airlines
      • Origin Airport (also update name from "From Airport" to "Origin Airport"
      • Destination Airport (also update name from "To Airport" to "Destination Airport"

  • Transportation Filters
    • AIR filters will ONLY show when client clicks AIR for Transport Mode in General filter tab
      • These filters drop down list MUST be Client specific: Auto populated(currently showing the whole long list, it should show only the specific list for client):
        • Airlines
        • Origin Airport
        • Destination Airport
    • OCEAN filters will ONLY show when client clicks ANY OCEAN for Transport Mode in General filter tab
      • These filters drop down list MUST be Client specific: Auto populated(currently showing the whole long list, it should show only the specific list for client):
        • Container#s
        • Shipping Line
        • Origin Port/Terminal
        • Destination Port/Terminal
        • Vessel Name Contains
    • Remove these filters:
      • Pickup Truckers
      • Delivery Truckers
      • Co-Loader Ocean
      • Co-Loader Air

  • Date Filters
    • Order of Filters from the top to the bottom"
      • Estimated Pickup Date:
      • Actual Pickup Date:
      • Estimated Departure Date:
      • Actual Departure Date:
      • Estimated Arrival Date:
      • Actual Arrival Date:
      • Estimated Delivery Date:
      • Actual Delivery Date:
    • Date Logics:
      • "Delivery Date" cannot be before "Arrival Date", "Departure Date", and "Pickup Date"
      • "Arrival Date" cannot be before "Departure Date", and "Pickup Date"
      • "Departure Date" cannot be before "Pickup Date"
    • Must have "clr" button for every date field File:ClrDateButton.JPG

  • Output
    • Logic for these lists. When client selects "Transport Mode" from General tab to AIR or Ocean, lists of AIR or Ocean hide/show to apply with particular Mode in output dropdown list.
    • These header lists should be in output dropdown
      • Field // Mode
      • CT# // ALL
      • Shipper // ALL
      • Consignee // ALL
      • Mode // ALL
      • PO# // ALL
      • Item# // ALL
      • Origin Port // ALL
      • Destination Port // ALL
      • Origin Region // ALL
      • Destination Region // ALL
      • Notification Date // ALL
      • Authorization Date // ALL
      • ETS // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 12b)
      • ATS // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 12c)
      • ETA // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 14b)
      • ATA // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 14c)
      • Estimated Collection Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Actual Collection Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Requested Delivery Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Actual Delivery Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Total Pallets // ALL
      • Total Loose Packages // ALL
      • Total Weight // ALL
      • Total Chargeable Weight // ALL
      • Description // ALL
      • Vessel name //OCEAN
      • Flight Number // AIR
      • HAWB# // AIR
      • Container# (s) // OCEAN
      • Airline // AIR
      • Shipping Line // OCEAN

More information from fields above:


ETS :ExpTab 11b. Airport of Departure:
ATS :ExpTab 11c. ATD - Actual Time of Dept:
ETA :ExpTab 14b. ETA - Est Time of Arrival:
ATA :ExpTab 14c. ATA - Actual Time of Arrival:
Estimate Collection Date: GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date:
Actual Collection Date: GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date:
Requested Delivery Date: ImpTab b.Estimated Delivery Date:
Actual Delivery Date: ImpTab b.Actual Delivery Date:


ETS :ExpTab 12b. ETD:
ATS :ExpTab 12c. ATD:
ETA :ExpTab 14b. ETA:
ATA :ExpTab 14c. ATA:
Estimate Collection Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date: for LCL
Actual Collection Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date: for LCL
Requested Delivery Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, ImpTab 10. Estimated Delivery Date: for LCL
Actual Delivery Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, ImpTab 11. Actual Delivery Date: for LCL


ETS :GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date:
ATS :GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date:
ETA :GenTab x. Estimated Delivery:
ATA :GenTab y. Actual Delivery:
Estimate Collection Date: GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date:
Actual Collection Date: GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date:
Requested Delivery Date: GenTab x. Estimated Delivery:
Actual Delivery Date: GenTab y. Actual Delivery:

Use cases


Look And Feel


tw1) remove Go back button from the where Is top bar. -- Tira 11:20 AM 28 July 2009 (UTC)

Note: Feedback from Simon on Oct2, 2009 -- Tira 9:10 AM 3 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw2) Default selected output list in the combo box as list below:

  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Mode
  • Departure
  • Destination
  • Chargeable Weight
  • Actual Departure Date
  • Actual Arrival Date
  • Actual Delivery Date

The rest of the list should be in default dropdown

tw3) Update label names:

  • from "Departure Estimated Date" to "Estimated Departure Date"
  • from "Departure Actual Date" to "Actual Departure Date"
  • from "Arrival Estimated Date" to "Estimated Arrival Date"
  • from "Arrival Actual Date" to "Actual Arrival Date"

tw4) Show/hide Client Companies list filter. When there is only client company in the filter, this filter section should be invisible. If there is more than one client companies, this filter becomes visible.


rfc1) Simon would like to have dynamic filters for Client App by setting filters in Admin Mode for Non-jaguar Users -- Tira 12:33PM 19 Aug 2009 (UTC)

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