Client Main Report

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Revision as of 13:14, 3 October 2009 by Montira (Talk | contribs)
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Major Edits

  • --Alex 22:21, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added Business Requirements section
  • --Alex 22:35, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added alternative naming for specs (with "it" or "mw")
  • --Alex 22:53, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : added it2)
  • --Alex 23:15, 31 July 2009 (UTC) : updasted mw2)
  • see wiki history for minor edits


Mantis parent: 0000591:Client.Reports

Business Requirements

  • The goal of this component is to give client user ability to run reports
  • We can give same reports we have for Jag user
  • Of course we need to adapt them:
    • show client user only "his records" (that we allowed him to see)
    • show client user only "his filters" (that we allowed him to see)
    • output format might be different for jag vs non-jag user


ss1 This component consists of:

  • Client In Transit Report
  • Client Main (Wizard) Report

ss2 see separate sections in this doc for each report

Client In Transit Report SS

it1)(ss1) This is a client version of In Transit Report.

it2) (ss2) All same but:

Feedback from Simon (meeting on 18 Aug 2009) --Tira 12:44PM , 19 Aug 2009 (UTC)

  • Rename "Original Country" to "Origin Country"
  • All the same BUT these filters MUST be client specific auto populated:
    • Client Companies
    • Origin Country
    • Destination Country
    • AIR
      • Origin Airport (also update name from "Original" to "Origin"
      • Destination Airport
    • OCEAN
      • Origin Port/Terminal (also update name from "Original" to "Origin"
      • Destination Port/Terminal

Client Main (Wizard) Report SS

mw1) (ss1) This is a client version of Main Wizard Report

mw2) (ss2) All same but: --Alex 23:24, 31 July 2009 (UTC) See additional specs for changes --Tira 11:33, 19 Aug 2009

  • extra filter: Client visibility rule
  • new remove these filters:
    • Export Ref # contains:
    • Import Ref # contains:
    • Jaguar 3rd Ref # contains:

Additional specs --Tira 11:33, 19 Aug 2009

  • There are 4 filters tabs: General Filters, Transportation Filters, Date Filters, and Output
  • General Filters
    • All the same but these filters drop down list MUST be Client specific: Auto populated (currently showing the whole long list, it should show only the specific list for client):
      • Client Company
      • Shipper
      • Consignee
      • Origin Country (also update name from "Original Country" to "Origin Country"
      • Destination Country
      • Shipping Terms
      • Pickup Locations
      • Delivery Locations
    • Remove Cargo Locations
  • Transport Mode filters in General Tab logic connect to Transportation Filters:
    • IF client select ANY OCEAN and click check box, Transportation Filters tab will show ONLY ocean filters as below:
      • Container#s
      • Shipping Line (also update name from "Steamshipline" to "Shipping Line"
      • Origin Port/Terminal (also update name from "Original Port/Terminal" to "Origin Port/Terminal"
      • Destination Port/Terminal
      • Vessel Name Contains
    • IF client select AIR and click check box, Transportation Filters tab will show ONLY air filters as below:
      • Airlines
      • Origin Airport (also update name from "From Airport" to "Origin Airport"
      • Destination Airport (also update name from "To Airport" to "Destination Airport"

  • Transportation Filters
    • AIR filters will ONLY show when client clicks AIR for Transport Mode in General filter tab
      • These filters drop down list MUST be Client specific: Auto populated(currently showing the whole long list, it should show only the specific list for client):
        • Airlines
        • Origin Airport
        • Destination Airport
    • OCEAN filters will ONLY show when client clicks ANY OCEAN for Transport Mode in General filter tab
      • These filters drop down list MUST be Client specific: Auto populated(currently showing the whole long list, it should show only the specific list for client):
        • Container#s
        • Shipping Line
        • Origin Port/Terminal
        • Destination Port/Terminal
        • Vessel Name Contains
    • Remove these filters:
      • Pickup Truckers
      • Delivery Truckers
      • Co-Loader Ocean
      • Co-Loader Air

  • Date Filters
    • Order of Filters from the top to the bottom"
      • Estimated Pickup Date:
      • Actual Pickup Date:
      • Estimated Departure Date:
      • Actual Departure Date:
      • Estimated Arrival Date:
      • Actual Arrival Date:
      • Estimated Delivery Date:
      • Actual Delivery Date:
    • Date Logics:
      • "Delivery Date" cannot be before "Arrival Date", "Departure Date", and "Pickup Date"
      • "Arrival Date" cannot be before "Departure Date", and "Pickup Date"
      • "Departure Date" cannot be before "Pickup Date"
    • Must have "clr" button for every date field File:ClrDateButton.JPG

  • Output
    • Logic for these lists. When client selects "Transport Mode" from General tab to AIR or Ocean, lists of AIR or Ocean hide/show to apply with particular Mode in output dropdown list.
    • These header lists should be in output dropdown
      • Field // Mode
      • CT# // ALL
      • Shipper // ALL
      • Consignee // ALL
      • Mode // ALL
      • PO# // ALL
      • Item# // ALL
      • Origin Port // ALL
      • Destination Port // ALL
      • Origin Region // ALL
      • Destination Region // ALL
      • Notification Date // ALL
      • Authorization Date // ALL
      • ETS // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 12b)
      • ATS // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 12c)
      • ETA // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 14b)
      • ATA // ALL (this is mapped to field ExpTab 14c)
      • Estimated Collection Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Actual Collection Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Requested Delivery Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Actual Delivery Date // ALL (this is mapped to a field in ContTab for FCL shipment)
      • Total Pallets // ALL
      • Total Loose Packages // ALL
      • Total Weight // ALL
      • Total Chargeable Weight // ALL
      • Description // ALL
      • Vessel name //OCEAN
      • Flight Number // AIR
      • HAWB# // AIR
      • Container# (s) // OCEAN
      • Airline // AIR
      • Shipping Line // OCEAN

More information from fields above:


ETS :ExpTab 11b. Airport of Departure:
ATS :ExpTab 11c. ATD - Actual Time of Dept:
ETA :ExpTab 14b. ETA - Est Time of Arrival:
ATA :ExpTab 14c. ATA - Actual Time of Arrival:
Estimate Collection Date: GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date:
Actual Collection Date: GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date:
Requested Delivery Date: ImpTab b.Estimated Delivery Date:
Actual Delivery Date: ImpTab b.Actual Delivery Date:


ETS :ExpTab 12b. ETD:
ATS :ExpTab 12c. ATD:
ETA :ExpTab 14b. ETA:
ATA :ExpTab 14c. ATA:
Estimate Collection Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date: for LCL
Actual Collection Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date: for LCL
Requested Delivery Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, ImpTab 10. Estimated Delivery Date: for LCL
Actual Delivery Date: ContTab for FCL shipment, ImpTab 11. Actual Delivery Date: for LCL


ETS :GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date:
ATS :GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date:
ETA :GenTab x. Estimated Delivery:
ATA :GenTab y. Actual Delivery:
Estimate Collection Date: GenTab 9. Estimated Export Pick-Up Date:
Actual Collection Date: GenTab 10. Actual Export Pick-Up Date:
Requested Delivery Date: GenTab x. Estimated Delivery:
Actual Delivery Date: GenTab y. Actual Delivery:

Use cases


Look And Feel


tw1) remove Go back button from the where Is top bar. -- Tira 11:20 AM 28 July 2009 (UTC)

Note: Feedback from Simon on Oct2, 2009 -- Tira 9:10 AM 3 Oct 2009 (UTC)

tw2) Default selected output list in the combo box as list below:

  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Mode
  • Departure
  • Destination
  • Chargeable Weight
  • Actual Departure Date
  • Actual Arrival Date
  • Actual Delivery Date

The rest of the list should be in default dropdown

tw3) Update label names:

  • from "Departure Estimated Date" to "Estimated Departure Date"
  • from "Departure Actual Date" to "Actual Departure Date"
  • from "Arrival Estimated Date" to "Estimated Arrival Date"
  • from "Arrival Actual Date" to "Actual Arrival Date"


rfc1) Simon would like to have dynamic filters for Client App by setting filters in Admin Mode for Non-jaguar Users -- Tira 12:33PM 19 Aug 2009 (UTC)

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