Impending Arrivals Report

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Business Needs and Requirements

This report is used for identifying suspected overdue shipments arrivals and estimated Impending arrival today, tomorrow, until xx days from today to 15 days maximum for Air and Ocean. This report will help user to know what shipments are past due and also estimated arrival today and future after today for 15 days.

impending - about to happen, on the horizon, in the pipeline


  • Generic meaning: There are list of Shipments that "Arrival past Due", and list of "Arrival impending shipments" today, tomorrow, the next day until 15 days maximum
  • This report can be managed through the saved and Scheduled report for class report dropdown and set the satisfied scheduled filters
    • Date Criteria:
      • All Past Due "Estimated arrival in the past/actual arrival date is empty"
      • Estimated arrival date is today, tomorrow, until XX days from today to 15 days maximum
    • Mode: Air and Ocean
  • These can be scheduled, daily, every other day, weekly etc.
  • Report is a "re-occurring" report (Over due Arrivals shipment will occur on the every report until Actual Arrival Dates are set!, and impending shipments that are estimated to arrive today, tomorrow, until XX days from today to 15 days maximum
  • Report show Report info by sections on the excel spreadsheet: (these can be separated by tab)
    • Suspected overdue shipment arrivals
    • Impending shipment arrivals today
    • Impending shipment in one days
    • Impending shipment in two days
    • etc...until fifteen days

Detailed spec for each tab AIR

Added: --Alex 17:01, 30 November 2009 (UTC)

Suspected Overdue Tab

  • ExpTab. Airport Of Destination ETA is “yesterday, or earlier than yesterday”
  • AND
  • ExpTab. Airport Of Destination ATA is empty

Today Tab

  • ExpTab. Airport Of Destination ETA is “today”

Tomorrow (1 day) Tab

  • ExpTab. Airport Of Destination ETA is “tomorrow (today + 1 day)”

X days Tab

  • ExpTab. Airport Of Destination ETA is “today + X days”

Detailed spec for each tab OCEAN

Added: --Alex 17:01, 30 November 2009 (UTC)

Suspected Overdue Tab

  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “yesterday, or earlier than yesterday”
  • AND
  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ATA is empty

Today Tab

  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “today”

Tomorrow (1 day) Tab

  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “tomorrow (today + 1 day)”

X days Tab

  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “today + X days”


  • Client Companies (E0 Client)
  • Shippers:
  • Consignees:
  • Origin Countries:
  • Destination Countries:
  • Origin Regions:
  • Destination Regions:
  • Transport Modes: (Air and Ocean)


  • Create output tab with list of output headings
  • Some headings should be defaulted on the combo box and the rest of headings are in the dropdown filter output list
  • List of headings:
    • CT# with link ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Customer References# (GenTab C.Customer Ref)
    • Transport Modes (GenTab F. Mode of Transport:)
    • Shippers (GenTab 2.Shipper) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Consignees (GenTab 3.Consignee) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Origin Countries (GenTab 11. Origin country) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Destination Countries (GenTab 12. Destination country) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Estimated Picked Up Date
    • Actual Picked Up Date
    • Estimated Departure Date
    • Actual Departure Date
    • Estimate Arrival Date ->defaulted on the combo box
      • Exp Tab, Destination Terminal ETA
    • Actual Arrival Date
      • Exp Tab, Destination Terminal ATA
    • Estimated Delivery Date
    • Actual Delivery Date
    • P.O (ContTab Table A.)
    • SKU (ContTab Table A.)
    • Quantity (ContTab Table A.)
    • Item Description (ContTab Table A.)
    • Ttl # of plts (ContTab Table A.)
    • Ttl pkgs on pkgs (ContTab Table A.)
    • Loose pkgs (ContTab Table A.)
    • Ttl G kg (ContTab Table A.)
    • Custom fields (if E0 client has "custom fields" that is/are set in admin mode, these should be available list as well)
    • Total CBM (ContTab Table B.)
    • Arrival Notice Generated [Y/N] (this field look for whether there is a generated Arrival Notice (Docs>shipment Report Table> Arrival Notice) ->defaulted on the combo box
    • Invoice Generated By "Destination region office" only [Y/N](Inv Tab) ->defaulted on the combo box

Note: for example, if region "North America" and invoice is issued by Jaguar NY, then this field is YES. (Destination region office)


Mantis: 3272: (Past Due) include “port dates” in the current “past due arrival / past due departure” reports


  • MOT = any OCEAN, the system only looks at the “terminals” but ignores the “ports”.
  • If/when there is a different “origin terminal” and “port of loading” - there is no validation (past due departure) for the “port of loading” date.
  • If/when there is a different “destination terminal” and “port of discharge” – there is no validation (past due arrival) for the “port of discharge” date.

Core requirements:

  • We need to use “port dates” and “terminal dates” – independently and separately UNLESS they have the same value.


  • ETD = Estimated Time of Departure (a.k.a Estimated Departure Date)
  • ATD = Actual Time of Departure (a.k.a Actual Departure Date)
  • ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival (a.k.a Estimated Arrival Date)
  • ATA = Actual Time of Arrival (a.k.a Actual Arrival Date)


Preliminary note

We cannot use the dates independently each of other due specific sequence of validating dates.
Example: Destination terminal estimated date cannot be earlier than Port of discharge estimated date.

Main idea

In the same way as for Past Due report we need add validation of Port dates - Port of Discharge ETA and Port of Discharge ATA in addition to Destination Terminal ETA and Destination Terminal ATA.

If at least one pair of dates ETA-ATA in CT will comply with condition of Date Criteria then shipment should be added to report.

Implementation actions (for each tab OCEAN)

We should use following Date Criteria for:

Suspected Overdue Tab

  • ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ETA is “yesterday, or earlier than yesterday” AND ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ATA is empty
  • OR
  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “yesterday, or earlier than yesterday” AND ExpTab. Destination Terminal ATA is empty

Today Tab

  • ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ETA is “today” AND ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ATA is empty
  • OR
  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “today” AND ExpTab. Destination Terminal ATA is empty

Tomorrow (1 day) Tab

  • ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ETA is “tomorrow (today + 1 day)” AND ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ATA is empty
  • OR
  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “tomorrow (today + 1 day)” AND ExpTab. Destination Terminal ATA is empty

X days Tab

  • ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ETA is “today + X days” AND ExpTab. Port Of Discharge ATA is empty
  • OR
  • ExpTab. Destination Terminal ETA is “today + X days” AND ExpTab. Destination Terminal ATA is empty
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