File Reference Numbers

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0000100: (Ops Misc)

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Automate the assignment of file reference numbers (Jaguar export ref, import ref, third party ref) and their file reference sequence that are assigned to CT records.







  • 0003151: (Ops Misc) Have CT2 generate file ref #'s


Gen Tab: Ops functionality

  • System can auto generate file reference number with ability of Ops user to select some part of Reference#
  • System auto assigns the mode of direction (read only) once MOT is selected: CT_bo#MOT in the CT
  • System should allow user to change the MOT after a reference number has been assigned. Once the MOT is updated, the reference number should be auto updated as well according to Account Manager ID, the MOT, and client company and mode of direction
  • System should allow user to update the old CT records File Reference Number to the new automated number. The Account Manager ID (group of old CT records) will be set in the admin. Once it is set, user can set the number of account manager ID then the sequence should be automated.
  • System should reserve the number X00 for offices and Account Manager ID starts from X01 - X99
  • Reference number consist of 3 parts:
    • List of Account manager ID that is tied to default Office- List of Account Manager IDs for particular office for operator to select.
      • i.e. Drop down list of account managers ID for a particular office, such as if NY office is reserved "800" then when ops user from NY office manages a particular shipment, this part will provide list ID of Account Managers from NY office only. One Account Manager can have many ID such as:
801 represents Rob
802 represents John
803 represents Jeanine
804 represents Rob
805 represents Rob
Note: 800 represents NY office - this can be set in admin.
:*** i.e. If UK office is set to "700", dropdown list of account managers ID for UK office will be:
701 represent Wassila
702 represent Ginny 
Note: 700 represents UK office - this can be set in admin
      • An operator would manually select the “3 digit prefix” to create the reference number, and there should be a ‘link’ in the code restricting that operator’s “options” to his office, ie, if an operator is a JFS New York employee he would only have access to “8xx” sequences.
    • Automate counter - This should consist of 2 parts:
      • 1) The first 2 number XX can be auto assigned as of irrespective specific client company - this can be managed in admin to be set as a specific client company
      • 2) Counter - Automated sequence number 5 digit XXXXX
        • Contents/value of this sequence depend on office/account manager
    • Mode
      • System auto provides default options dropdown once the MODE is selected by operator
      • The pair of MODE and direction with the MOT can be set in Admin
        • ie. AE - Air Export - this can be applied to Air shipment for example
        • ie. SE - Sea/Ocean Export - this can be applied to Ocean shipment for example
  • There are 3 reference number:
IE. File Reference Number
801 (3 digit ID code)
10 00001 (Numerical - actual 'Ref' number, 10 is associated with client company A and 00001 is a sequence number
SE (mode/direction - XX )
Example Ref Num will show as: 801 10 00001 SE

Admin: File Reference #

Provide admin table to assign specific reference number to specific offices and to specific Account Manager.

Provide ability for each office to set their own sequence numbers and link these to specific Account Manager within that office.

Each of office consists of account managers, each account manager can have many account ID. There are 3 account managers in NY office currently: Rob, John and Jeanine. Each account manager has their own team such as Rob has operator A, operator B and operator C work in his team. System does not need to record which staff works for which Account Manager but system should provide ability to add number of head count of staffs as a field in the table. Number of head count should allow .5 as well.

Provide ALL managing functionalities included in ONE location separated by tabs for example:

  • Tab 1: Table: Set/List office Digit (New York 7, London 5 etc)
  • Tab 2: Table: Set/List of Account Managers and Offices (Rob Link NY – Wassila London etc)
  • Tab 3: Table: Set/List staff per Account Manager (number to allow . 5)
  • Tab 4: Table: Set/List actual file prefixes (801 Rob Link – Description: (text box) … - 802 Jeanine Favia – Description (text) box
  • Sequence and catagory of file reference number can be set via admin
  • Admin>File Reference#
  • Table to manage File Reference# consist of:
    • Each office: specify by reserved number such as:
      • NY - 8 and account managers could start from 01 after the office prefix such as 801, 802, 803, 8XX
      • UK - 7 and account managers could start from 01 after the office prefix such as 701, 702, 703, 7XX
      • FR - 6 and account managers could start from 01 after the office prefix such as 601, 602, 603, 6XX
      • HK - 5 and account managers could start from 01 after the office prefix such as 501, 502, 503, 5XX
      • SZ - 4 and account managers could start from 01 after the office prefix such as 401, 402, 403, 4XX
    • Each Account Manager: specify by number - subset of each office sequence number such as Account Managers IDbelow
      • Rob - NY - 801
      • John - NY - 802
      • Jeanine - NY - 803
    • Each Account Manager: provide a field to show how many staff work for each account manager table. Field should allow a half headcount as well such as table below:
      • Rob - 5
      • John - 4
      • Jeanine - 3.5
    • Ability to edit number of staff that work under each Account Manager and keep historical changes
    • Automate a mode/direction for the last part of file reference requence numbers
      • Mode of direction table:
        • Export: AE (Air Export), SE (Sea Export), TR(Truck Export)
        • Import: AI (Air Import), SI (Sea Import), TR(Truck Import)
        • Jaguar: CT (Cross Trade - Billing office only)
      • Mode of Transportation should be associate with Mode of direction table such as
        • Air - AE or AI depend on what field
        • Ocean (LCL) - SE or SI depend on what field
        • Ocean (FCL) - SE or SI depend on what field
        • Ocean Vendor Console - SE or SI depend on what field
        • Truck (DT - Dom) - TR
        • Truck (OT - Ocean Truck) - TR
        • Truck (AT - Air Truck) - TR
        • NOTE: This should be default to a correct direction per reference # and MOT such as the field Export Ref#, this part should auto read only default to AE if MOT for Air is selected.
    • Volume Unit per Mode Table - to be used as a report
      • Air - KG - show as KG
      • Ocean FCL - TEU or FEU count - show as TEU
      • Ocean LCL - CBM - show as CBM
      • Ocean vendor console - TEU or FEU count - show as TEU
      • Truck Dom DT - Shipment count - SHPT
      • Truck Ocean - Gross KG/LB
      • Truck Air - Gross KG/LB
  • Report purpose - system should allow file reference numbers to be "counted" going back in time,ideally back to January 01, 2011 Account Manager will manually update the old record with the old file reference to be replaced by the new automated sequence by selecting an account manager that is set to reserve for old records. Also - the "old" reference number (replaced by the 'automated' number) would be included in the "update log" for future reference.
    • i.e. For the past/history sequence, account manager ID will be set differently to separate the current/new shipments so as not to disturb a logical file numbering for current shipments, for example:
John (General Imports)	
801 current 
891 'old' files

Logs funtionality

All actions should be recorded in CT update log as well as system log


  • 0003196: (*OpsRep Misc) Weekly Shpt Counts Global Report (aka Activity DRs) SOW 2

Report Functionality

Phase I

  • A quick simplified version for a weekly report on file reference # per account manager and/or per office with some information from the system.
  • This version of the report should be quickly generated by script outside of CyberTrax UI. This is what we normally calls " one time report". This is needed to be executed once a week until we integrate functionality to generate the report from the system (CyberTrax UI)
  • Purpose of generating report: To know how much freight Jaguar Moves, How busy for each team is, Report for Export is the KEY to control the business
  • Crtiteria:
    • This report, file reference number is based on #SOW1. For the old records with manual reference number, please note that the automated file reference will be manually updated by operators for all the last year record until the last record before the new automated reference numbers functionality is in place
    • Week starting date is based on CT created on date such as Week of 2-Jan-2012
    • By Date/month/year range
    • By Office
  • Result:
    • Information report per column on xls
      • O

Account Manager is calculated based on #SOW 1. Note that at the moment this data is not in the system. Ops will manually update last and this year. Week starting date is based on CT created on date. Show data for last 26 weeks. It is very important to include lines for combinations with file count = 0.

Information Report per column option as of output

        • Office
        • Account Manager
        • E0. Client Company
        • Mode of Direction
        • Volume Unit
        • Gross Margin - refer to Alex's project. This output should be in place once this report value can be reported.
  • Script to be run

See example below, also attached to mantis.

Phase II

 !!!! This is original spec by Tira !!!!

  • Ability to report on file reference sequence numbers per Account Manager and/or per office with some information from the system
  • Purpose: To know how much frieght Jaguar move, How busy for each team is. Report for Export is the KEY to control the business.
  • Report > File Reference # with ability of down load to excel spreadsheet
    • Filters:
      • Date/year Range: Calendar
      • Office
      • Account Manager - subset of office selected
      • E0. Client Company
      • Mode of Direction
    • Result:
      • Heading - Top part of the report
        • Information per filters set
      • Information Report per column option as of output
        • Office
        • Account Manager
        • E0. Client Company
        • Mode of Direction
        • Volume Unit
        • Gross Margin - refer to Alex's project. This output should be in place once this report value can be reported.
  • Additional information
  • File Reference Numbers should become a part of filtering options for ALL existing reports (account reports, stat reports, ops reports, dashboard reports etc etc etc).

Requirements from Marc as collected by Alex on Feb 06

Brief description

  • see figure below
  • meaning of the first line:
During the week that is started on 2-Jan-12 there are 4 records in the system associated with unique combination of 
(Acc manager=Wassilla AND Client = Elizabeth Arden AND Mode/Direction).
Numbers in Vilume and Gross Margin columns represent accumulated values for these 4 shipments.

Question: how to identify a list of all (Acc Manager;Client/Mode) combinations?

  • Marc would like to receive quick simplified first version of this report.
  • !!! This version will be generated by script outside of Cybertrax UI. It is what we normally call "one time report". We will have to execute it once a week and send to Marc until we integrate this report into the system.
  • See example below, also attached to mantis.

File:S count.JPG

  • See below mapping for volume unit and mode / direction

File:S count 2.JPG

  • Account Manager is calculated based on #SOW 1. Note that at the moment this data is not in the system. Ops will manually update last and this year.
  • Week starting date is based on CT created on date.
  • Show data for last 26 weeks.
  • It is very important to include lines for combinations with file count = 0.


0003432: (*OpsRep Misc) Weekly Shpt Counts Global Report (SOW 3)

Core requirements:

  • Make this report part of the system
  • add filters
  • additional columns?
  • dashboards in this SOW or next?


0003151: (Ops Misc) Have CT2 generate file ref #'s

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