Air CT Delivery Order

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Revision as of 21:28, 26 August 2009 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Version 5.0


See pdf layout in Fig.DO_AIR_pdf.

Sections A, C

1)See mapping and template in Fig "DO_AIR_Template"

2) R on pic means – field could be read only, T – in case group gen field populates from current CT


1) See thisFigure: DO_AIR_Commod_Table.

2) Comtable here always have 8 lines. OK

3) If both Haz and non-Haz content is present then first 4 lines (B1) display Haz content and last 4 lines (B2) display non-Haz OK

4) If only Haz is present then B1 shows Haz info and B2 is empty OK

5) If only non-Haz is present then B1 shows non-Haz info and B2 is empty OK

6) In case of a group all numbers represent summary for a group OK

7) Description in case of a group is always taken from current CT OK

Commodity Table editing features on template (AND then displaying on Pdf )

  • 1. Line Up
  • 2. Line Down
  • 3. Insert
  • 4. Unit recalculations (cbm/cft, kg/lb) - must re-calc! OK
  • 5. prevent attempts to enter too many chars into Description textbox


1) In case of group generate print CT list in “Special Instructions” text area

2) Related Bug: We still have problem with consistency among 3 places that control Haz/non-Haz:

  • GenTab22.Hazardous? Y/N radio
  • GenTabHazardousNote23 textarea
  • ContTab.TableA.TOTALHaz(manual entry) textbox group

3) Note that Volume value is displayed always once because we do not have 2 values in the system for volume Haz and non-Haz, only one.

[2.1] History / Links to secs

  • specs folder with all versions/history:


  • example and mapping here:

o o o

Version 5.1

This version is a minor change to ver 5.0

req# // ds // Descr

  • ss1 // d1 // numbers in Commod table and totals must be aligned to the same vertical line
  • ss2 // d1 // all read only fields on template must be editable


  • ss3 // d1 // Commod Table: all lines must have checkbox and we need "Delete" button so that user can check any number of lines and delete them
  • ss4 // d1 // Commod Table: all lines must have checkbox and we need "Clear" button so that user can check any number of lines and clear them


  • ss5 // d1 // Switch to "Textarea-based" Commod Section -


apply same idea as described in Figure."Textarea-based" Commod Section in Air CT HAWB  see Commodity Table for Pdfs

--Alex 21:04, 22 August 2009 (UTC)

    • apply this idea to 2 text columns: "Description" and "Marks and Numbers"
    • table in template should be tall enough to see all 8 textareas at the same time without scrolling

--Alex 03:25, 19 August 2009 (UTC)}

Next Versions and RFC

  • add billing comment textbox next to trucking charges

Known bugs

  • Trucker field - not enough space
  • 0001127: [*Bugs.OpsPdfs]583 [Ops.Pdfs.CT.Ocean.DeliveryOrder] totals are not updated when lines are deleted
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