File Reference Numbers

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Business Needs

Core need

Automate the assignment of file reference numbers to CT records (Jaguar export ref, import ref, third party ref), to take the burden off individual operators. As well by managing this somewhere inside of the CT2 Admin menu, they do not keep a separate log book per office to record these numbers.


These fields are are found on the CT records Gen tab, see CT_bo#References.

  • Have CT automatically generate/create Jaguar's file ref #’s
  • Allow user to add new file sequences
  • Add reporting capabilities
    • to report on the file sequence individually or corporately per office
  • Have some sort of admin ability for each office to set their sequence numbers, with the ability to create new sequences as each office has their own specific sequence. See #File_Reference_Number_Sequence_per_Office

Note phase I functionality would be for the user themselves to select which file reference sequence to apply to their shipment upon CT creation. With phase II for CT to auto assign these sequences according to ops user groups.

File Reference Number Sequence per Office

Each Jaguar office has a sequence of file reference #'s that they use to identify how their office is involved in the shipment, if they are arranging the import or export. Below are the current file ref sequences according to each office and how they are determined:

Jag UK file reference sequence

JFS UK - their file ref #'s are per mode of transportation, irrespective of the client company.

  • General Air Export
    • They begin with 11AE
    • Currently they are 6 numbers long
    • They end with the CT #
      • IE: 11AEXXXXXX
  • General Sea Import
    • They begin with 22SI
    • Currently they are 6 numbers long
    • They end with the CT #
      • IE: 22SIXXXXXX
  • Consolidation
    • They begin with 44CO
    • Currently they are 6 numbers long
    • They end with the CT #
      • IE: 44COXXXXXX
  • General Sea Export
    • They begin with 12SE
    • Currently they are 6 numbers long
    • They end with the CT #
      • IE: 12SEXXXXXX
  • General Air Import
    • They begin with 21AI
    • Currently they are 6 numbers long
    • They end with the CT #
      • IE: 21AIXXXXXX

Jag FR file reference sequence

JFS FR – their file ref #’s are per mode of transportation as follows, irrespective of the client company.

    • They begin with AE, then the year and the month
    • Currently they are 7 numbers long
    • They end with 3 numbers
      • IE: AE1108XXX Note: 2011 = the year & 08 = the month of August
    • They begin with AI, then the year and the month
    • Currently they are 7 numbers long
    • They end with 3 numbers
      • IE: AI1108XXX
    • They begin with SE, then the year and the month
    • Currently they are 7 numbers long
    • They end with 3 numbers
      • IE: SE1108XXX'
    • They begin with SI, then the year and the month
    • Currently they are 7 numbers long
    • They end with 3 numbers
      • IE: SI1108XXX
    • They begin with RE, then the year and the month
    • Currently they are 7 numbers long
    • They end with 3 numbers
      • IE: RE1108XXX

Jag HK file reference sequence

JFS HK – their file ref #’s, which they call Job numbers, and are per mode of transportation, irrespective of the client company.

  • Air Export
    • They begin with HK for the office, then the year
    • Then the # 1, which defines this as an Air export
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: HK111XXXXX Note: “HK” stands for JFS HK & “11” stands for 2011, then the number 1 for Air exports
  • Air Import
    • They begin with HK for the office, then the year
    • Then the letter D & the # 2, which defines the shipment as an Air import
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: HKD112XXXXX
  • Ocean Export
    • They begin with HK for the office, then the year
    • Then the letter D & the # 3, which defines this as an ocean export
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: HKD113XXXXX
  • Ocean Import
    • They begin with HK for the office, then the year
    • Then the letter D & the # 4, which defines this as an ocean import
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: HKD114XXXXX

Jag Shenzhen file reference sequence

JFS SZX - their file ref #’s, which they call Job register, are per mode of transportation, irrespective of the client company.

  • Air Export
    • They begin with SZ for the office, then the year
    • Then the # 1, which defines this as an air export
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: SZ111XXXXX Note: “SZ” stands for JFS SZX & “11” stands for 2011, then the number 1 for Air exports
  • Air Import
    • They begin with SZ for the office, then the year
    • Then the # 2, which defines this as an air import
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: SZ112XXXXX
  • Ocean Export
    • They begin with SZ for the office, then the year
    • Then the # 3, which defines this as an ocean export
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: SZ113XXXXX
  • Ocean Import
    • They begin with SZ for the office, then the year
    • Then the # 4, which defines this as an ocean import
    • Currently they are 5 numbers long
      • IE: SZ114XXXXX
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