Report and DR KPI Builder

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  • 0003183: (* DR/KPI) "Report and DR/KPI Builder (RDB)" (research if this option is feasible)

This is related to Flex Report task: 0002608: [Flex Rep] Code this.

Core need

Below is formulated by Marc and recorded by Alex.

  • B. [need#2] We want to have multiple DRs/KPIs in the system
    • See specs for Arden cost per pound, Cost per unit, etc
  • C. [need#3] Please consider both needs at the same time and create one solution that would address both (if possible).

Notes from Solution Architect

  • Tracie had a vision of a broader solution (wizard) that can create any report not only satisfy Marcs needs above . Call it DR/KPI and Report builder. I suggest to be careful to expand the scope so much.

I suggest considering options:

[A] Use Crystal Reports

  • Pros: very flexible, can be coded quickly, produce professional looking reports (pdf), can start automating immediately
  • Cons: some programming required most of the time, “in system” reports are not possible

[B] Use another existing framework (say Java library)

[C] Write our own “Reports/KPI builder”

Detailed Needs and Requirements

Solution version 1

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