Client Company

From UG

Revision as of 16:04, 16 September 2011 by Alex (Talk | contribs)
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Business Requirements

Solution v1


Commissions functionality

Sales Person

Jag user who receives commissions for this Company's profit.

Sales Person Start Day

Day from which Sales Person receives his commission.

  • If Sales Person is set then this date must be set. Produce error pop up on save if not: "Error: Sales Person Start Day must be set! [OK]"
  • If Sales Person is changed but date remains the same (check on Save) produce Warning pop up on save:
    • "Warning! Sales Person is changed but Sales Person Start Day remains the same! Are you sure? [Y][N]"
      • [Y] - continue, save
      • [N] - go back to edit mode



  • 0000780: (*ph1)(Admin Client Companies) Implement "archive" function feature
  • implement "standard CT2 archive functionality"
  • if Client Company is archived then:
    • hide it on Create CT page
    • show it with everywhere else (with archive logo or print "archived" next to the name) where we have Clients lists


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