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  • mantis: 0001999: (Client Misc) Create Agent Interface component/application

Core Business Need

Having Agents use CT is to tie up the business relationships, relieve Jaguar Freight Services respective regional offices of excess data entry, offer them visibility and have the possibility to capture new local business.

Functionality Overview


Existing Cybertrax Client web application should support one additional user role:

  • Agent

Internal (Jaguar)user will have same functionality.

Core Agent User Functionality:

  • create CT record
  • edit CT record
  • delete CT record
  • view CT records
  • notifications
  • appropriate visibility

Client Functionality and Changes:

  • should not be affected

Core Jaguar User and Cybertrax Internal Functionality:

  • non jaguar user profile will have 4 roles defined
  • Jaguar User will see only shipments on Live tab when
  • some fields might become read only ?
  • additional report ?
  • new address approval process ?


I think we can start to list all the ‘BASIC OPS’ features and eliminate what we do not want for the Agent which I believe those have been drafted above.

Are there any hard coded conditions? Yes, as there are some standard CT2 features that an agent should NOT have access to:

‘Com’ Tab ‘Inv’ Tab ‘P/L’ Tab ‘Doc’ Tab

Which MOT’s should be supported? ALL MOT

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