1763 rfsa

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Revision as of 21:37, 17 January 2011 by Denise (Talk | contribs)
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This request is to add both a filtering option for clients who have "Extra field(s)" set in their Admin >> Client Company's profile under section E. Commodity Table Management as well as an output option.

  • Add Extra Fields to the client applications where is report & main report as both a filter & output.
  • Filter should display the name of the Extra Field as set in the client company.

See Elizabeth Arden example below:

File:1763 MU.JPG

  • Name on Output should be the same name as set in the client company.
    • Note, Right now, client company Elizabeth Arden has both Extra field 1 & Extra field 2 checked to display on their commodity table. It is also listed on their Daily_Report_-_Elizabeth_Arden where the names already displays under the column header of Division & Lot.
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