1888 rfsa

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Revision as of 21:59, 20 December 2010 by Denise (Talk | contribs)
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  • mantis: 000188: (CT Tabs: General) Authorized MOT should be updated once the MOT is set by operator.


Have the MOT & CT_bo#Authorized_MOT set to the same MOT, unless MOT is set to undefined.

  • At first, when a CT record has an CT_bo#Authorized_MOT set by client user, the JFS operator will change from undefined to that same MOT set by client user.
  • If/when JFS user changes the current set MOT to another MOT except undefined, the CT_bo#Authorized_MOT should change to the new set MOT by Jag operator.
IE - CT 123456 has CT_bo#Authorized_MOT Air.  
Jag operator Tina goes into CT record and on gen tab sets the MOT to air.  
An hour later, Tina receives an e-mail query from the client asking her to change the MOT from air to ocean.  
Tina would go into the CT record and on gen tab change the MOT to ocean.  
Now the read only CT_bo#Authorized_MOT would now read ocean.
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