2484 rfsa

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Some Client Companies are requesting to see the breakdown or calculation of charges on the invoice.

Example: 1401 - Ocean Freight - 2x40 Containers @ 2400.00 USD = 4800.00 USD

Business Requirements

MO would like an option in admin - users and offices - to set "show breakdown or calculation" as a default per Jaguar office.

  • If the default is set, then all invoices generated by the office would show the breakdown of charges on each invoice.

In addition to this we would like the operators to have to option to change this default selection for the whole invoice or by line item.

In addition to showing the calculation of charges, if a currency conversion is being done on the invoice, the option to show the exchange rate that is being applied.

This should work the same way as the calculations

Setting as a default in admin - users and offices Allowing the operator to override the default by the whole invoice or individual line items.

Charge Code Description Currency Rate Quantity Unit/Type ROE Currency Total 1001 Airfreight Usd 3.00 x 150 kg @ 7.80 HKD 3510.00

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