Salesman Profile

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General Info

Salesman Functionality Overview

There are 3 components at the moment:

  • Salesman Profile:
    • tag jag user as a salesman
    • manage commission schedule
    • manage salesman accounts
    • manage monthly targets
  • Commissions Report
  • Salesman Target Report
  • Misc: set access permissions
    • These Salesman Commission Schedules and Salesman Accounts should not be visible to most users
    • They should be limited to management users only


Access Restrictions

  • Access Restrictions to info from Salesman Profiles should be limited to management users only. Access control proceeds in Users Admin Access window in "Acc.Sales Persons" line. See on Figure 0.


  • All Salesman info and controls are available through Sales Persons interface ("Acc -> Sales Persons"). See on Figure 1.
  • Sales Persons table contains list of all Salesman Profiles. This table looks the same like "Jaguar Users" table in Admin. See on Figure 2.
  • Each Salesman Profile shows in "Add/Edit Salesman Profile" window. See on Figure 3 or ZUL-prototype. This window contains three tables:
    • Commision Shedule table
      • This table corresponds to the Commission Shedule specification and represents change in Commission Percentage of current Salesman.
      • System keeps history of all set Percentage values of Salesman for each Time frame, but displays only actual of them.
      • Table consists of three columns:
        • Time Frame - time in years has elapsed since Commission Start Date.
        • Commission Percentage - number representing share of a Jaguar profit that is due to the current Salesman.
        • Date Set - date of set percentage value for Time frame for the current Salesman.
      • Current Salesman has same schedule for all of his Salesman Accounts.
    • Salesman Accounts table
      • This table contains list of all Salesman Accounts with appropriate Commission Start/End Dates.
      • Table consists of three columns:
        • Client Company (=Salesman Account) - company which agrees to send us orders (CTs).
        • Commission Start Day - first date to calculate commission for specified Client Company.
        • Commission End Day - last date to calculate commission for specified Client Company.
    • Salesman Monthly table
      • This table contains list of set target Salesman Montly values.
      • Table consists of two columns:
        • "Year-Month" pair of Salesman Monthly.
        • Salesman Monthly Target value.

Detailed Design

Business Workflows and Events

Normal Workflows:

  • New Salesman Hired
  • Set Monthly target for Salesman (first time)
  • Salesman gets his first account
  • Calculate Salesman Commissions
  • Generate Salesman Target Report
  • Update Monthly target for Salesman
  • Add additional accounts
  • Close Accounts
  • Change Commission schedule
  • Delete or Archive Salesman

Some Exceptional Workflows:

  • Salesman hired with accounts
  • Client added by mistake
  • No targets set


Figure 0. Users Access Admin window


Figure 1. Sales Persons menu item


Figure 2. Sales Persons table


Figure 3. Salesman Profile window






see #Design

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